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関西光科学研究所 | 【web開催】第76回KPSIセミナー ポストパルスによって生成されたプリパルスのシングルショット測定


関西光科学研究所 >> KPSIセミナー >> ポストパルスによって生成されたプリパルスのシングルショット測定





講演者 今 亮 博士
(光量子科学研究部 高強度レーザー科学研究グループ)
日時 2020年8月28日(金曜日)11時00分~
使用言語 日本語(予定)
要旨 [PDFファイル/145KB]


今 亮 博士
(光量子科学研究部 高強度レーザー科学研究グループ)


With the development of chirped pulse amplification (CPA) technology, laser facilities with a power of more than 1 PW and a focused intensity of >1022 W/cm2 have been constructed globally, reaching new levels of intensity regions in physics [1]. However, during experiments with such lasers, the problem is a pre-pulse, which interacts with the target before the main pulse interaction. The cause of a pre-pulse generation is extremely complicated because it depends on the amplification method of the laser system and the performance of its components, such as the optical elements and their quality. In recent years, investigations into the formation mechanisms of various types of pre-pulses have been actively carried out. In this context, the generation of a pre-pulse from a post-pulse of the main pulse has attracted significant attention [2]. The primary mechanism of a pre-pulse is derived from the change in spectra and phase caused by the nonlinear response of the refractive index. In this seminar, I introduce in detail of investigation of pre-pulse generated by post-pulse with single-shot measurement of self-referenced spectral interferometry (SRSI) [3]. The capability of SRSI in terms of the single-shot measurements of the temporal contrast have been experimentally demonstrated, and the results clearly indicate that the energy levels of the pre- and post-pulses are increased in proportion to the square of the B-integral [4].

[1] Danson, Colin, et al. "Petawatt class lasers worldwide." High power laser science and engineering 3 (2015).
[2] Didenko, N. V., Konyashchenko, A. V., Lutsenko, A. P., & Tenyakov, S. Y. (2008). Contrast degradation in a chirped-pulse amplifier due to generation of prepulses by postpulses. Optics Express, 16(5), 3178-3190.
[3] Oksenhendler, T., Bizouard, P., Albert, O., Bock, S., & Schramm, U. (2017). High dynamic, high resolution and wide range single shot temporal pulse contrast measurement. Optics Express, 25(11), 12588-12600.
[4] Kon, A., Nishiuchi, M., Kiriyama, H., Kando, M., Bock, S., Ziegler, T., ... & Kondo, K. (2020). Single-Shot Measurement of Post-Pulse-Generated Pre-Pulse in High-Power Laser Systems. Crystals, 10(8), 657.


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