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RIXS/REXS workshop 2023

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RIXS/REXS workshop 2023​


This workshop will bring together researchers studying quantum materials, magnetism, electronic order and excitations using advanced resonant x-ray scattering methods and related theoretical techniques. Materials of interest include transition metal oxides, cuprates, iron-based superconductors, rare-earth systems, strong spin-orbit coupled systems and heterostructures.

Workshop Dates

August 2–4, 2023

Important Dates (Tentative: Update April 28)

March, 2023   Call for abstract

May 12, 2023 (Extended from April 30) Deadline for abstract submission  (Update April 28)

May, 2023    Notification

July 14, 2023   Deadline for participation

Venue (Update April 12)

Sakura Hall, Tohoku University (Katahira campus)

2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8577 Japan


RIXS/REXS workshop 2023 will be held in person.


Access to Tohoku University

Interactive map for Katahira campus

Map (PDF) of Katahira campus (Sakura hall: E 01)

Group Photo (Upload August 8)


Download Photo [その他のファイル/1.17MB]

Accommodation (Update April 12)

Please make your own hotel reservations.
For your convenience, the hotel information in Sendai city is as follows.

Trip to Sendai


Institute for Advanced Synchrotron Light Source, QST

Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University

Conference Co-chairs

Jun Miyawaki (QST)

Masaki Fujita (Tohoku University)

Steering Committee (Update February 9)

Jochen Geck (TU Dresden)

Di-Jing Huang (NSRRC)

Thorsten Schmitt (PSI)

Urs Staub (PSI)

Jeroen van den Brink (IFW Dresden)

Kejin Zhou (Diamond Light Source)

Mark Dean (BNL)

Valentina Bisogni (BNL)

Program Committee (As of February 9)

Jochen Geck (TU Dresden)

Di-Jing Huang (NSRRC)

Thorsten Schmitt (PSI)

Urs Staub (PSI)

Jeroen van den Brink (IFW Dresden)

Kejin Zhou (Diamond Light Source)

Mark Dean (BNL)

Valentina Bisogni (BNL)

Takami Tohyama (Tokyo U. Science)

Jun Okamoto (NSRRC)

Yingying Peng (Peking University)

Nicholas Brookes (ESRF)

Young-June Kim (U.Toronto, Canada)

Giacomo Ghiringhelli (Polytechnic U Of Milan)

Riccardo Comin (MIT)

Justina Schlappa (DESY)

Georgi Dakovski (SLAC)

Hiroki Wadati (University of Hyogo)

Sujoy Roy (LBNL)

​Organizing Committee

Jun Miyawaki (QST)

Masaki Fujita (Tohoku University)

Rie Umetsu (Tohoku University)

Kentaro Fujii (QST)

Kenji Ishii (QST)

Hakuto Suzuki (Tohoku University)

Takami Tohyama (Tokyo University of Science)

Atsushi Hariki (Osaka Metropolitan University)

Hiroki Wadati (University of Hyogo)

Confirmed invited speakers (Update July 31)

Dr. Mark Dean, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA

Dr. Ke-Jin Zhou, Diamond Light Source, UK

Dr. Jinghua Guo, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Dr. Urs Staub, PSI, Switzerland

Prof. Matteo Mitrano, Harvard University, USA

Prof. Di-Jing Huang, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan

Prof. Yingying Peng, Peking University, China

Dr. Thorsten Schmitt, PSI, Switzerland

Prof. Johan Chang, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Dr. Wei-Sheng Lee, Stanford University, USA

Prof. Yao Wang, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA

Prof. Hariki Atsushi, Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan

Dr. Y. W. Windsor, Fritz Haber Institute and TU Berlin, Germany

Dr. Eugenio Paris, PSI, Switzerland

Prof. Tsuyoshi Kimura, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Giacomo Coslovich, Stanford University, USA

Prof. David Hawthorn, University of Waterloo, Canada

Dr. Jonathan Pelliciari, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA

Dr. Nicolas Jaouen, SOLEIL, France

Prof. Hakuto Suzuki , Tohoku University, Japan

Program (Update July 31)​

Download Program at a glance [png/326KB]


Participation Fee


Abstract Submission (Closed: Update May 19)

The abstract submission is now closed!​

Please submit your abstract by 30th of April 2023. We will inform about accepted oral contributions in May.

Abstract length should have a maximum of 1 page including figures and tables. Please follow the format of the given abstract template. The abstract should be submitted in a Word or PDF file format. The template file and the link to abstract submission are below.

Download abstract template

Registration (Closed: Update July 18)

There is no fee to attend the workshop, but please register here.

The registration is now closed!

Invitation letter for visa purposes (Update May 31)​

For detailed information regarding the visa application, please visit the following website: 

VISA | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (

The RIXS/REXS workshop 2023 can assist in preparing the documents required for your visa application. However, please note that it is the responsibility of the participants who require a visa to apply for it themselves.

For any inquiries or requests, please email the RIXS/REXS workshop organizer at

Abstracts (Update July 31)​

Download Book of Abstracts [PDFファイル/6.54MB]

Supports (Update June 9)​

This workshop is supported by GIMRT (Global Institute for Materials Research Tohoku).


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