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Press release

[Press Release] JT-60SA has been certified by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ as the world's largest tokamak, achieving a plasma volume of 160 cubic meters
[Press Release] Revealing the Neuronal Pathways Involved in Adaptive Decision-Making in Primates
[Press Release] Piecing the Puzzle Together: How Different Brain Regions Contribute to Visual Object Memory
[Press Release] Visualizing Core Pathologies of Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders in Live Patients
[Press Release]Visualizing Special Forces on Electrons at Micrometer Resolution New developments in Device Evaluation of “Quantum Materials”
[Press Release]Breakthroughs in Nanosized Contrast Agents and Drug Carriers Through Self-Folding Molecules
[Press Release]New evidence explains how warming-up enhances muscle performance
[Press Release]Solving the half-life problem of the nuclear cosmochronometer lutecium-176 -It can be used to date the formation of solar systems and planets-
[Press Release]Time-Correlated Electron and Photon Counting Microscopy -Nanoscale Emission Lifetime Measurement by Counting Individual Accelerated Electron and Photon Pairs-
[Press Release]3GeV Electron Acceleration Succeeded at 3GeV synchrotron radiation facility NanoTerasu Linear Accelerator -Achieved an important milestone toward starting operations in FY 2024 -
[Press Release]Stopping Seizures on a Dime: Chemogenetics for the Treatment of Challenging Epilepsy Cases
[Press Release]Cooling 100 million degree plasma with a hydrogen-neon mixture ice pellet
[Press Release]Researchers Visualize α-Synuclein Pathology in Living Patients with A Neurodegenerative Disorder
[Press Release]Ultrafast surface nano-dynamics observed ~Single X-ray laser pulses can be used to observe ultrafast changes on material surfaces with unprecedented depth and time resolution~
[Press Release]Protecting the Brain from Dementia-Inducing Abnormal Protein Aggregates
[Press Release]ATP from sensory neuron-interneuron crosstalk is key to spreading inflammation in Rheumatoid Arthritis
[Press Release]Support for researchers from Ukraine
[Press Release] A Diet of Essential Amino Acids Could Keep Dementia at Bay, Finds Study
[Press Release] New Study Helps in Finally Breaking the “Silence” on the Brain Network
[Press Release] The Future of Neuroimaging is “Lit”: PET-Based Technique Aids Better Live Visualization
[Press Release] Study Explores Remarkable Negative Thermal Expansion Seen in Layered Ruthenates
[Press Release]To Do or Not to Do: Cracking the Code of Motivation
[Press Release] Novel Technique Decodes Mechanisms Controlling Executive Functions of the Primate Brain
[Press Release]Closer to Cure: New Imaging Method Tracks Cancer Treatment Efficacy in Preclinical Studies
[Press Release] Finding the Weak Points in Radiation-Resistant Pancreatic Cancer Cells
[Press Release] On the Dot: Novel Quantum Sensor Provides New Approach to Early Diagnosis Via Imaging
[Press Release] Brain imaging for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
[Press Release]TANAKA Receives 2020 Technology Award from Catalyst Manufacturers Association, Japan
[Press Release]Successful visualization of the dynamics of cesium in a living animal using a newly developed positron‑emitting 127Cs tracer