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Naka Institute for Fusion Science and Technology

Broader Approach Activity

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Broader Approach comprises three Projects

1.Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities for the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF/EVEDA)

Broader Approach comprises three Projectsの画像1

2.International Fusion Energy Research Center (IFERC),

  1. DEMO Design and R&D coordination Center
  2. Computational Simulation Center
  3. ITER Remote Experimentation Center

Broader Approach comprises three Projectsの画像2

3.Satellite Tokamak Programme Participation to upgrade of JT-60 Tokamak to JT-60SA and its exploitation.

Broader Approach comprises three Projectsの画像3

Broader Approach for Realization of Fusion

Broader Approach for Realization of Fusionの画像

Rokkasho from the sky

Rokkasho from the skyの画像

BA Site in Rokkasho -Present Status-

BA Site in Rokkasho -Present Status-の画像

Current Status of Broader Approach (BA) Activity

  • BA activity is composed of the complementary R&D project to be conducted in parallel with ITER project for the construction of the fusion DEMO reactor.
  • IFERC, IFMIF/EVEDA, and Satellite Tokamak, are in progress as scheduled.
  • Various procurement agreements have been made or being prepared for "in-kind" contributions.
  • All the research buildings are completed in March 2010, and "in-kind" components, such as experimental equipments for DEMO R&D, high performance computer and its peripheral systems for CSC, accelerator components and its peripheral systems, will be installed in near future.

Current Status of Broader Approach (BA) Activityの画像1Current Status of Broader Approach (BA) Activityの画像2

Progress of Satellite Tokamak Programme in 2009

Progress of Satellite Tokamak Programme in 2009の画像1

  • The Integrated Project Team, consisting of the Project Team, JA Home Team and EU Home Team, has proceeded all the design activities as scheduled.
  • All the contracts planned in the Work Programme FY 2009 were awarded. On site at Naka, the PF Coil Manufacturing Building and the PF Conductor Manufacturing Building were constructed. Manufacture of PF conductor & coil, Vacuum Vessel, Divertor materials & cassette are on schedule.
  • Disassembly of the JT-60U device was started.
  • JT-60SA Research Plan v2 has been documented by the JA Physics Unitand is under discussion between JA and EU.

Progress of Satellite Tokamak Programme in 2009の画像2