Institute for Quantum Life Science


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馬場所長​Institute for Quantum Life Science develops the quantum science and technology research and promotes interdisciplinary research to integrate quantum theory, quantum technology, and life sciences. We will establish a world-leading research and development hub for quantum life science research by gathering excellent researchers from all around the world.

Research by the Institute for Quantum Life Science brings a paradigm shift to the life sciences, as well as creates innovation in the medical field such as development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods for cancer, contribution to regenerative medicine, elucidation of brain functions, and elucidation of aging status. We will contribute to the development of a peaceful and prosperous human society by bringing innovation in the medical field as well as information, energy, agriculture, the environment, and the space field.

Director General, Yoshinobu Baba

河野副所長​We commit to continuous exploration and innovation for the future. Our mission is to integrate a quantum perspective into understanding life phenomena and contribute to the health and well-being of humanity through elucidating disease mechanisms, developing more effective medications, and advancing early diagnosis technologies. We closely collaborate with exceptional researchers worldwide to develop innovative approaches and cutting-edge technologies, including quantum measurements and computer simulations. With a focus on leveraging state-of-the-art technologies and insights, our institute is committed to continuously unraveling the mysteries of life and pursuing discoveries. We aspire to lead the world in the field of quantum life sciences, sharing our vision for the future and utilizing knowledge and creativity to build a healthier and more sustainable world for all of us.

Deputy Director General, Hidetoshi Kono


PD​Institute for Quantum Life Science was established as a world-leading institute working on quantum life science, which combines the two fields of 'quantum' and 'life'. Since its inception, this institute has been actively involved in medical-engineering collaboration and industry-academia-government collaboration, in addition to collaboration between research teams and with other research centers, thereby building a system that enables research results to be implemented in society as quickly as possible. We are also actively involved in the development of young human resources, for example by establishing specialized courses within the graduate school in close cooperation with the university as a place where quantum life sciences can be studied.
We hope you will be interested in our research activities. We would be grateful for your support.

Project Director, Hiroshi Yukawa

​​Institute for Quantum Life Science develops quantum measurement technology that combines the complementary properties of quantum beams such as synchrotron radiation, neutrons, and laser beams. Our goal is to elucidate life phenomena based on quantum theory by utilizing more precise information obtained through advanced measurement technology. We are working on research and development through a wide range of industry, government, and academic collaborations. New collaborations are also essential to further advance our research. We are grateful for your continued support and cooperation.

Project Director, Taro Tamada