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Quantum Energy Science and Technology Area


Realization of fusion energy to support Green Transformation (GX)

We will promote comprehensive research and development, including the construction of the experimental reactor ITER in France and the start of operation of the tokamak-type superconducting plasma experimental system JT-60SA at the Naka Institute for Fusion Science and Technology prior to the construction of ITER, with the three major themes: "Promotion of the ITER Project" to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy through international cooperation, "Advanced Plasma Research and Development" to study the continuous burning of fuel in a reactor, and "Research and Development of Nuclear Fusion Science and Technology" to support the realization of high-performance plasma.

Core institutes ▶ Naka Institute for Fusion Science and Technology, Rokkasho Institute for Fusion Energy
Related institutes ▶ Takasaki Institute for Advanced Quantum Science

Creating a Sun on Earth!

International Mega-Science project aiming to realize the first experimental fusion reactor for mankind ITER project

To realize fusion energy, which is expected to be a fundamental solution to energy and environmental problems, the construction of ITER is underway, bringing together the wisdom of the world's most advanced research programs from the seven regions: Japan, Europe, USA, Russia, South Korea, China, and India. The goal of ITER is to achieve high-power, long-duration combustion using real fuels, deuterium and tritium. Various reactor engineering technologies, such as superconducting coils, are demonstrated for this purpose. QST is designated as ITER Japan Domestic Agency for the activities under the ITER agreement. We will promote procurement activities for ITER equipment and facilities to be shared by Japan and serve as a window for providing human resources to the ITER organization.

Pathway to fusion energy realization

The roadmap to the DEMO reactor first involves demonstrating fusion energy in ITER, which is under construction, followed by demonstrating power generation from fusion energy in the DEMO reactor. What ITER cannot do for the DEMO reactor will be carried out through Broader Approach (BA) activities.

Pathway to fusion energy realization

Tokamak-type Superconducting Plasma Experimental System JT-60SA

JT-60SAConstructed at the Naka Institute for Fusion Science and Technology as a joint project of the satellite tokamak project, which is being implemented jointly by Japan and Europe, and the national centralized tokamak facility project, which has been studied in Japan, in order to realize fusion energy at an early date. It is the world's largest tokamak-type superconducting plasma experimental system at this time. It is approximately 16 meters high and weighs 2,600 tons.


Purpose of JT-60SA

Purpose of JT-60SASupport research to achieve ITER's technical goals

Plasma operation with high performance in the same shape as ITER is performed to reflect the results to ITER.

Supplement ITER toward DEMO reactor

For realization of a high power fusion reactor, we aim to establish an operation method to sustain high pressure plasma for sustainment time (about 100 seconds).

Human resource development

We train researchers and engineers who can lead fusion research and development, including the ITER project.

International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) prototype accelerator; LIPAc

IFMIFPrototype accelerator for the IFMIF, an accelerator-driven neutron source, to evaluate the integrity of reactor materials against the 14 MeV*1 high-energy neutrons generated in a fusion reactor. It is installed and tested at the Rokkasho Institute for Fusion Energy through a Broader Approach (BA) activities for the early realization of fusion energy. As an international cooperation, Japan and European countries (Italy, Spain, France, and Belgium) cooperate in ​the design and production, and bring them to the Rokkasho Institute for Fusion Energy for assembly and testing. Total length is 36 m. The first beam was extracted from the injector in 2014 and the first beam acceleration test was conducted in the RF quadrupole accelerator in 2018. The superconducting linear accelerator is being upgraded to achieve the project's goal of 9 MeV/125 mA*2/continuous operation in the integrated beam test using deuterons.

*1 MeV: mega electron-volt, *2 mA: milliampere

IFMIF/EVEDA projects

In an international collaboration between Japan and Europe, we are performing the engineering design of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF, consisting of two accelerators with deuteron beam energy of 40 MeV and beam current of 125 mA), and developing Underlying technologies for the devices.


Research and development for DEMO reactor

International fusion energy research centre (IFERC)

● DEMO design studies are being conducted in Japan and Europe at the DEMO Design and R&D Coordination Center to examine common issues for fusion DEMO reactors. R&D items on physical and engineering issues necessary for early realization of the DEMO reactor have been identified to carry out R&D activities.

● The ITER Remote Experimentation Center (REC) is building an IT-based REC in Japan and Europe to enable Japanese domestic researchers to participate in experimental and analytical research using ITER. In a demonstration test of ultra-high speed transfer technology, we succeeded in transferring 1 TB of data every 30 minutes, or 105 TB of data in 50 hours. In order to utilize the transferred ITER data for the construction of a fusion DEMO reactor, research and development of machine learning and AI techniques in cooperation with the Computational Simulation Center is also underway.

Development of energy-extracting blankets

Development of energy-extracting blanketsIn the DEMO reactor, a device called a blanket is installed around the core plasma to extract the heat generated by the fusion neutrons and transfer it to the generator. The blanket also serves to protect external equipment from ​neutrons and to use neutrons to produce tritium, the fuel for fusion. We are preparing to bring a Test Blanket Module (TBM) to ITER for demonstration testing.

Computational Simulation Centre (CSC)

CSCUsing a supercomputer dedicated to fusion research, simulation studies to support the ITER project, DEMO reactor development, and other BA projects are being conducted in Japan and Europe.