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Institute for Radiological Science


​The National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS-QST) was established on April 1, 2021 as a research institute within the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST) to conduct research and development for the protection of the public from radiation exposure. Since April 1, 2023, NIRS-QST has been aiming for further development based on a new Medium- to Long-term Plan.

For 60 years, the original National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), the predecessor of NIRS-QST, has contributed to the improvement of people's health and the creation of a safe and secure society through research on radiation safety and radiation emergency medicine, as well as research on medical applications of radiation. During this period, the original NIRS had the most experience in the field of radiation emergency medicine in Japan, having responded to major domestic radiation exposure incidents since the Lucky Dragon Incident (1954), and had accumulated a large number of samples and data. NIRS-QST has inherited from the original NIRS such tangible and intangible intellectual properties as well as various missions for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of radiation-related damages to the human body. We will continue to promote research and development in dosimetry and radiation injury treatment, accelerate the giving back to society, and develop human resources in the field of nuclear disaster medicine through education and training in the field of radiation emergency medicine.

Radiation is not only generated by radiation accidents; it has existed in nature since the birth of the universe. However, the development of science, technology, and industry has greatly changed human life, and the characteristics of radiation exposure are changing. Advance into outer space has long been a dream of mankind, but the challenge for its realization is to mitigate the health risks of cosmic radiation. In the field of medical applications of radiation, which is indispensable for a healthy and long-lived society, there is a need to develop technologies that reduce the risk of radiation exposure and bring greater benefits to medical care. Therefore, we will focus on research and development that contributes to regulatory science by quantitatively clarifying the biological effects of radiation exposure under various conditions, reducing risk, and preventing damage.

As a leading radiation research institute in Japan, we will contribute to building a society resilient to various radiation exposures in cooperation with domestic and international research institutions and with an emphasis on international cooperation.

We look forward to your continued guidance and support.

Reiko Kanda
Director General
Institute for Radiological Science(NIRS)

Research /Activity

  • Dept. of Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
  • Dept. of Radiation Emergency Medicine
  • Dept. of Radiation Measurement and Dose Assessment
  • Dept. of Radiation Effects Research
  • Dept. of Radiation Regulatory Science Research 

International Relations

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