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Institute for Quantum Medical Science

Call for Proposal of experiments at "HIMAC"

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Information on Experiments at "HIMAC"            

Information for applicants

Call for Proposal of experiments at HIMAC Nov 25, 2024 update [PDFファイル/425KB]

Information for participants of the accepted projects

After your proposal is accepted....


Before the visit...... 

  • Reservation a guest room: Those who wish to stay in the guest room in order to participate in the HIMAC experiment. [Excelファイル/11KB]


Check related information

​iQMS, QST is located between metropolitan Tokyo and Narita International Airport.

Address:4-9-1 Anagawa, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba 263-8555, Japan
Tel:+81-43-206-3025 (outside of Japan), or 043-206-3025 (in Japan)

Access to QST in Chiba

By train

Take the JR Sobu line, either rapid or local, to Inage station.Go out through the east exit (on your left as you come out of the main ticket gate),walk straight ahead and turn right at the second traffic light.Follow that road all the way to the NIRS main gate at the top of the hill on the left (10 minutes), or take the Keisei bus for Sanno-cho from stop No. 2 at the rotary outside the east exit of JR Inage station and get off at Hoiken seimon/NIRS main gate, the first stop (fare:100yen).

Buildings and Facilities

QST chiba district buildings and facilities [PDFファイル/2.7MB]

QST Chiba district building and facilities



Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your liaison or the following.

Office of HIMAC Research Promotion


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