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Page ID:0079717 Updated date:2024年11月28日更新 Print Mode

Promoting Application of Advanced Quantum Technologies to Social Challenges

Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) is a national project in which the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation budgets beyond the boundaries of ministries and fields to promote initiatives from basic research to exit (practical application and commercialization). 

The third term of the SIP, " Promoting Application of Advanced Quantum Technologies to Social Challenges " aims to accelerate the progress of Society 5.0 by extending the range of users of quantum technology as well as promoting the use of quantum technology through social challenges by cutting-edge engineers.

Visit the Cabinet Office website 


Program director 

SOGAWA Tetsuomi  ​ 
Senior Vice President, Basic and Advanced Research Principal,
NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group

Project manager, Sub Program director(General management)
​​Director, SIP research promotion center, 
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology​


In the field of quantum technology, the following goals have already been set as targets for 2030 in the "Vision of Quantum Future Society" and we aim to achieve them as our mission in this project. 

  • 10 million quantum technology users in Japan 

  • Through quantum technology , production to 50 trillion JPY 

  • Fostering quantum unicorn companies to create future markets

Strategy of Quantum Future Industry Development
Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Cabinet Office​​, ​April 2023 


The Sub-Program are "Quantum Computing"  "Quantum Security and Network", and "Quantum Sensing" which are the main of comprise quantum technologies, and "Innovation Creation Platform" which is a fundamental element common to all of these fields. 

Quantum Computing

R&D Subject A-1 Development of the user environment for the quantum/classical hybrid testbed  
R&D Subject A-2 Development and demonstration of use cases contributing to the creation of new industries, productivity improvement, and others
R&D Subject A-3 Benchmark and international standards developments for quantum computer software   
R&D Subject A-4 Roadmap and technological review for large-scale quantum computer systems  

Quantum Security and Network​

R&D Subject B-1 Construction of advanced information processing infrastructure using quantum secure cloud
R&D Subject B-2 Development and demonstration of use cases utilizing advanced information processing infrastructure 
R&D Subject B-3 Use of secure computation and related technologies that enable data analysis while protecting ​privacy and other rights​

Quantum Sensing​

R&D Subject C-1 Environment development for application, test, and evaluation of quantum sensing and related technologies
R&D Subject C-2 Development and demonstration of use cases based on quantum sensing and related technologies 
R&D Subject C-3 Building a spatio-temporal business infrastructure to support ultrafast communications, mobility,  and others

Innovation Creation Platform​

R&D Subject D-1   New Business/Startup Creation and Support 
R&D Subject D-2   Development/Practice of Educational Program 
R&D Subject D-3   Idea cultivation 
R&D Subject D-4   Ecosystem Building 

Targets to be achieved during the SIP term for social implementation

In this project, we will create " specific examples for solving social and industrial problems" by improving the performance of computing, sensing, and communications through an integration of quantum and classical technologies(hybrid). These creations will continuously attract human resources and investments during and beyond the SIP term, thereby will establish a firm foundation of R&D, social investment,human resource development,and recruiting in the quantum technology field. We target paving a way to achieve the above-mentioned mission through our activities. 


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