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Kansai Institute for Photon Science

Kansai Photon Science Institute   |   The 53rd KPSI Seminar Reverse genetic analysis of the DNA damage response mechanism and the applied examples in the vertebrate cells

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Kansai Photon Science Institute >> KPSI Seminar >> Reverse genetic analysis of the DNA damage response mechanism and the applied examples in the vertebrate cells



The 53rd KPSI Seminar

Reverse genetic analysis of the DNA damage response mechanism and the applied examples in the vertebrate cells


Presentor Associate professor, TANO Keizo
(Division of Radiation life Science, Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University)
Place ITBL G201 room (KPSI)
Date 11:00- (WED) Apr. 10, 2019
abstract [PDFfile/251KB]


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