The Caisson Assembly for Tritium Safety Study(CATS)
To construct the ITER with high safely and acceptability, the safe tritium confinement is one of the key issues for realizing a fusion reactor, and tritium should be well controlled so that it is not released excessively into the atmosphere and to prevent workers from excess exposure.
In order to understand the tritium behavior in a large space clearly, the Caisson Assembly for Tritium Safety study(CATS)was installed in Tritium Process Laboratory (TPL)/JAERI(Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, now:QST) in 1998.
The main purposes are followings.
Investigation of tritium behavior in the fusion facility
Demonstration of tritium confinement and detritiation system
Investigation of tritium measurement and analysis
Development of tritium decontamination method and tritium waste processing
Related collaboration researches have been carried out effectively under the CATS program with many universities, such as
lbaraki University, Kyusyu University, National Institute for Fusion Science(NIFS), Shizuoka University, Toyama University, University of Tokyo, Shimizu Corporation, etc.