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Kansai Institute for Photon Science

Kansai Institute for Photon Science | 【on-site】The 109th KPSI Seminar Electron Acceleration and Applications, Gamma-Ray Flash Theory, Relativistic Catoptrics Studies at the ELI-Beamlines

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 Kansai Institute for Photon Science >> KPSI Seminar >> Electron Acceleration and Applications, Gamma-Ray Flash Theory, Relativistic Catoptrics Studies at the ELI-Beamlines


The 109th KPSI Seminar(on-site)

Electron Acceleration and Applications, Gamma-Ray Flash Theory, Relativistic Catoptrics Studies at the ELI-Beamlines



ELI ERIC, ELI-Beamlines  Prof. S. V. Bulanov

Date 13:15-(THU) OCTOBER 10, 2024
Venue ITBL Building Room G201 
Language English
abstract [PDFファイル/37KB]


Prof. S. V. Bulanov

​ELI ERIC, ELI-Beamlines​



We present several results obtained by our team recently as follows.

1.           Highest energy LWFA electron beams ever produced at kHz regime at the ELI-Beamline.

2.           Gamma-ray bursts are a phenomenon of wide interest, attracting the attention of researchers working in fields ranging from astrophysics to particle physics. Here we discuss several currently available theoretical schemes, including attosecond gamma-ray bursts and electron-positron pairs, all-optical nonlinear Breit-Wheeler electron-positron pair production using gamma-ray burst photons, and production of electron-positron pairs and radioactive nuclides by irradiating a high-Z target with a gamma-ray burst generated by an ultra-intense laser.

3.           We discuss two paradoxes of special relativity related to relativistic flying mirrors.


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