In April 2006, JAEA started preparation for selecting a site for “Broader Approach (BA) activities” in Rokkasho. In April 2007, Aomori Research and Development Center was established. In June 2007, MEXT designated JAEA as the Japanese Implementing Agency of “AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN AND THE EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY FOR THE JOINT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BROADER APPROACH ACTIVITIES IN THE FIELD OF FUSION ENERGY RESEARCH”. In April 2009, construction of the Administration Building of International Fusion Energy Research Centre was completed, and actual research activities in Rokkasho began. In April 2009, constructions of the IFMIF/EVEDA Accelerator Building, CSC & REC Building, and DEMO R&D Building were finished. In April 2015, Rokkasho Fusion Institute was established for the site to develop basic technologies for DEMO. In April 2016, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology was established. Fusion Research and Development Sector and Quantum Beam Science Center were transferred from JAEA and merged into the National Institute of Radiological Sciences.
History of QST Rokkasho