Quantum Medical Science Area
Quantum Energy Science and Technology Area
Quantum Technology Innovation Research Area
Quantum Beam Science Research Area
The 8th QST International Symposium
QST Hospital
QST Photo Gallery


[Press Release] JT-60SA has been certified by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ as the world's largest tokamak, achieving a plasma volume of 160 cubic meters
[Press Release] Revealing the Neuronal Pathways Involved in Adaptive Decision-Making in Primates
[Press Release] Piecing the Puzzle Together: How Different Brain Regions Contribute to Visual Object Memory
[Event Closed] The 7th QST International Symposium (第7回QST国際シンポジウム)
[Press Release] Visualizing Core Pathologies of Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders in Live Patients
ITPA Scrape-Off-Layer and Divertor Topical Group 26-29 February 2024, Kyoto
[Press Release]Visualizing Special Forces on Electrons at Micrometer Resolution New developments in Device Evaluation of “Quantum Materials”
[Press Release]Breakthroughs in Nanosized Contrast Agents and Drug Carriers Through Self-Folding Molecules
[Press Release]New evidence explains how warming-up enhances muscle performance
[Press Release]Solving the half-life problem of the nuclear cosmochronometer lutecium-176 -It can be used to date the formation of solar systems and planets-
[Press Release]Time-Correlated Electron and Photon Counting Microscopy -Nanoscale Emission Lifetime Measurement by Counting Individual Accelerated Electron and Photon Pairs-
M42 and QST Collaborate to Share Research on Carbon Ion Therapy
[Press Release]Operations restart with vacuum pumping on 30.05.2023
[Press Release]3GeV Electron Acceleration Succeeded at 3GeV synchrotron radiation facility NanoTerasu Linear Accelerator -Achieved an important milestone toward starting operations in FY 2024 -
[Press Release]Stopping Seizures on a Dime: Chemogenetics for the Treatment of Challenging Epilepsy Cases
[Press Release]Cooling 100 million degree plasma with a hydrogen-neon mixture ice pellet
[Press Release]Researchers Visualize α-Synuclein Pathology in Living Patients with A Neurodegenerative Disorder
[Press Release]Ultrafast surface nano-dynamics observed ~Single X-ray laser pulses can be used to observe ultrafast changes on material surfaces with unprecedented depth and time resolution~
[Press Release]Protecting the Brain from Dementia-Inducing Abnormal Protein Aggregates
[Press Release]ATP from sensory neuron-interneuron crosstalk is key to spreading inflammation in Rheumatoid Arthritis
[Press Release]Support for researchers from Ukraine
[Press Release] A Diet of Essential Amino Acids Could Keep Dementia at Bay, Finds Study
[Press Release] New Study Helps in Finally Breaking the “Silence” on the Brain Network
[Press Release] The Future of Neuroimaging is “Lit”: PET-Based Technique Aids Better Live Visualization
[Press Release] Study Explores Remarkable Negative Thermal Expansion Seen in Layered Ruthenates
[Press Release]To Do or Not to Do: Cracking the Code of Motivation
[Press Release] Novel Technique Decodes Mechanisms Controlling Executive Functions of the Primate Brain
[Press Release]Closer to Cure: New Imaging Method Tracks Cancer Treatment Efficacy in Preclinical Studies
[Press Release] Brain imaging for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
[Press Release]TANAKA Receives 2020 Technology Award from Catalyst Manufacturers Association, Japan

Unveiling the Power of Quantum Innovation


NanoTerasu: 3 GeV Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Japan

The National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST) is spearheading scientific advancement by harnessing the potential of quantum mechanics to foster breakthroughs in a wide variety of fields. Our mission is to create and provide new values through research and development in quantum science and technology, contributing to a harmonious and sustainable future society where the economy, society, and environment seamlessly coexist.

At QST, we aim to lead the world in quantum science and technology, leveraging our state-of-the-art, high-performance large-scale research facilities. Our commitment to global leadership is reflected by our pursuit of excellence in quantum technology innovation, quantum medicine, quantum energy, and quantum beam science. We are tirelessly working towards strengthening Japan's position as a core infrastructure of quantum science and technology by nurturing talent, intellectual property, and facilities.

Our Pillars of Excellence

JT-60SA in Naka Institute

JT-60SA:a joint international fusion experiment being built and operated by Japan and Europe

1. Quantum Technology Innovation

We are dedicated to establishing a foundation in quantum computing, quantum communication, and sensing technologies. Our research in quantum materials and devices is pivotal in creating new quantum functionalities through the merger of cutting-edge photonic technologies.

2.Quantum Medicine

At QST, we are pioneering advancements in heavy ion cancer therapy and developing next-generation quantum medical tools. We utilize our unique capabilities, including the QST Hospital, to drive research from basic science to clinical applications, contributing to a society of health and longevity.

3.Quantum Energy

Our involvement in the ITER project and advanced plasma research signifies our commitment to solving the energy crisis. We are leading the way in fusion energy research, aiming to bring the power of "a Sun on Earth".

4. Quantum Beam Science

Our advancements in generating and controlling quantum beams are unmatched globally. We are paving the way for groundbreaking research in engineering, biology, and medical sciences through our high-performance quantum beam facilities.

Our Vision for a Sustainable Future


Diamonds which glow red in a mouse's lung

At QST, we believe in the transformative power of science to address global challenges. Our research in quantum science and technology is rooted in the century-old foundations of quantum mechanics, offering solutions beyond traditional technologies in material science, communication, energy, and environmental science. Our commitment to innovation aligns with the national Quantum Technology Innovation Strategy, marking us as a key player in economic and societal advancement.

In pursuit of carbon neutrality, we are advancing fusion energy research under the motto "Create a Sun on Earth". Our work in NanoTerasu is set to revolutionize material and device innovation.

QST Hospital

QST Hospital