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NIRS designated as an IAEA Capacity Building Centre for radiation emergency medical preparedness


The IAEA has designated the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) of the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST) in Chiba, Japan, as a Capacity Building Centre (CBC) in the medical management of radiation exposures and dose assessment. The practical arrangements were signed at a ceremony in Vienna by Dr. Koji Noda, Managing Director, NIRS, and Dr. Juan Carlos Lentijo, Deputy Director General, IAEA, on 20th September 2017.

The objective of the establishment of CBCs is to recognize existing strengths of Member States, build on them to more efficiently and effectively channel and deliver EPR knowledge and best practices, and further enhance the expertise of CBCs towards a sustainable development of international capabilities. A CBC is an organization or group of organizations with capabilities to implement education, training or information sharing activities. A CBC serves as a focal point for activities promoted by the Agency in education, training and knowledge transfer for EPR.

The NIRS-QST studies wide spectrum of themes related to humans and radiation and has experiences in medical care for patient exposed to radiation.

Future development

With NIRS-QST as a CBC, the IAEA is continuing the education of medical professionals and dose assessment specialists for EPR.  Because nuclear or radiological emergencies rarely occur, sharing information through training/education is essential. The NIRS-QST is expected to distribute knowledge and skills in the relevant fields as a CBC. 

As the first activity under this arrangement, NIRS Training Course on Radiation Emergency Medicine in Asia 2017’is organized at NIRS from 19th to 21st November 2017. The trained specialists would enhance the safety in the peaceful use of nuclear and radiological technology in the region.

NIRS Managing Director and IAEA DDG
Dr. Koji Noda, NIRS Managing Director (left) and Dr. Juan Carlos Lentijo, IAEA Deputy Director General

Reference: Press release by IAEA