Home > Fusion Plasma Research > ITPA Scrape-Off-Layer and Divertor Topical Group
28 June - 9 July 2021, Internet

Fusion Plasma Research

ITPA Scrape-Off-Layer and Divertor Topical Group
28 June - 9 July 2021, Internet

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The 30th meeting of the Scrape-Off-Layer and Divertor Topical Group of ITPA will be held by TV conference during the period of 28 June to 9 July, 2021.

More information on the scope and on the tasks of the ITPA Topical Group can be found here.

What's new

Important Dates

  • Registration deadline : 14 June, 2021
  • Meeting : 28 June - 9 July, 2021

The Local Organizer

  • T. Nakano

Objectives of the meeting

  • Update on current progress in the three main topical areas: Physics, Materials and Modeling.
  • Review the progress of the current joint activities and discuss status of remaining open issues and potential closure of joint activities.
  • Report on the recommendations and action items arising from the ITPA-CC meeting in December 2021.
  • Discuss and identify emerging high priority issues to be addressed for ITER and corresponding potential new joint activities for 2021/22.


Meeting agenda is available from here. [PDFファイル/528KB]


Please fill out the registration form by Registration Deadline 14 June.


Speakers : Please send your talk summary to your session chair and Chair immediately after your talk. In addition, put your slides on the following share point (with your own ITER IDM account). If you have difficulties accessing the Sharepoint, send your slides to Chair, please.

Sharepoint :

Session chairs : Please send your session summary to Chair within one week after your session.

Zoom Link : We will send the link and password every day in advance to the meeting. The link, meeting ID and password change every day. When you check-in, please make sure your full name is shown on Zoom. This is for us to check if you are registered or not. We might kick unregistered participants out of the Zoom meeting.

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