Home > Fusion Plasma Research > JT-60U Experimental Report No. 36 (August 19, 1996)

Fusion Plasma Research

JT-60U Experimental Report No. 36 (August 19, 1996)

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World Highest Fusion Triple Product Marked in High-βp H-mode Plasmas

The world highest fusion triple product of nD(0) τE Ti (0) = 1.5*1021 m-3 s keV has been achieved in JT-60U's high-βp H-mode plasmas. This value exceeds the previous record of JT-60U obtained in 1994 by about 20%. Simultaneously the ion temperature marked the world record of 45 keV.

The stored energy of this shot was 8.6 MJ and the neutron production rate due to DD fusion reaction reached 5.2*1016 neutrons/s, comparable to the record value (5.6*1016 neutrons/s) achieved in JT-60U and TFTR.

This improvement in fusion performance has been achieved by the optimization of operation at high plasma current with fast current ramp and current profile peaking, resulting in improving the stability and confinement of high-βp H-mode plasmas.

In the future, still higher fusion performance will be explored at higher current and density relevant to thermo-nuclear fusion plasma with higher neutral beam power (up to 40 MW) which contributes to higher particle fueling.

