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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B31, 375 (1988)

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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B31, 375 (1988) T.Tabata, R.Ito, Y.Nakai, T.Shirai, M.Satake, and T.Sugiura, Analytic Cross Sections for Charge Transfer of Hydrgen Atoms and Ions Colliding with Metal Vapors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B31, 375 (1988)

Collisions of H with Atoms and Molecules

Single-Electron-Capture Cross Section

Single-Electron- loss Cross Section

Collisions of H+ with Atoms and Molecules

Single-Electron-Capture Cross Section

Double-Electron-Capture Cross Section

Collisions of H- with Atoms and Molecules

Single-Electron-loss Cross Section

Double-Electron-loss Cross Section