Research Theme
Development of environment-friendly biocompatible materials
Known as natural polysaccharides, such as cellulose, starch, and chitin/chitosan, can be degraded and have lower molecular weight by irradiation. We discovered how to make biodegradable hydrogel from these polysaccharide derivatives. When polysaccharide derivatives are mixed with water to be paste and then irradiated with electron beams or γ-rays, crosslinking reaction occurs and biodegradable hydrogel is obtained. In this study, we have been developing the hydrogel which have elasticity like rubber and the gel dosimeter for advanced radiation therapy. We worked in R&D of the environment-friendly materials by using crosslinking technique.
In addition, using crosslinking technique by irradiation, we have been developing a biodegradable plastic material, such as polylactic acid produced from starch. This has excellent heat resistance and can be applied to eye glasses for demo.
- Biodegradable hydrogel
- Nanosensor
- Development of gel dosimeter
- Research on biodegradable plastic material
- Crosslinling of biodegradable plastic material
- Micro-fabrication of biodegradable plastic
At the present time, we advance the development of practical application of biodegradable materials in medical field in corporation with the companies and universities.