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[Event] The 5th QST International Symposium


The 5th QST International Symposium was successfully held at 9/21 -22.
Thank you very much for your participation and viewing on the web.


The QST International Symposium is held annually by the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST) to bring together distinguished scientists from around the world to discuss specific topics. The main theme of the fifth conference will be "Radiation Emergency Monitoring and Medicine in Nuclear Disaster" and the participants will discuss and present the current status and prospects of each country in this field.

This time we will be using Cisco Webex Events in an online format. Some of the lectures will be held at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture, but you can listen to and answer questions remotely via Webex.

This year marks 10 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake, and we look forward to a meaningful opportunity to exchange the latest information and knowledge on emergency response systems and preparedness (EPR) for radiation accidents and nuclear disasters in various countries and to discuss related issues.

5th sympo

The 5th QST International Symposium Poster [PDFファイル/3.61MB]

*The contents of the poster may be changed.

Outline of the Symposium


National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)


21-22 September, 2021

A satellite conference of Asian Radiation Dosimetry Group (ARADOS) will be held on 23 September, 2021.


International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe
2-1, Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city, 261-8550 Japan

It is also planned to be delivered online (Cisco Webex Events).​

In light of the spread of the new corona virus, the format of the conference will be changed to online for all general participants and speakers.
If any changes, the secretariat will post the changes on this page.



Participation fee




Registration is required for participation in the 5th QST international symposium.
​*The participation format is web participation only.



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