Home > Fusion Plasma Research > ITPA Topical Group Meetings
Oct.24-27, 2016, Naka Fusion Institute, QST
| Invitation letter for trip to Naka

Fusion Plasma Research

ITPA Topical Group Meetings
Oct.24-27, 2016, Naka Fusion Institute, QST
| Invitation letter for trip to Naka

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Invitation letter for trip to Naka

Invitation letters for your institutional/budgetary procedures for your visit to Naka are available on request. In this case, "Invitation letter request form" is not required. But if you are not a member or an expert of the ITPA Topical Groups, we may ask you to request your Chairperson to send an email message to QST ( that you are eligible to attend the meeting. Invitation letters will be sent by email.

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