Home > Fusion Plasma Research > ITPA Topical Group Meetings
Oct.24-27, 2016, Naka Fusion Institute, QST
| Venue Information

Fusion Plasma Research

ITPA Topical Group Meetings
Oct.24-27, 2016, Naka Fusion Institute, QST
| Venue Information

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Venue Information

Shuttle Bus ( Shuttle bus schedule )

During the ITPA meeting, we will run shuttle buses between Mito Station and Naka Fusion Institute every morning and evening. The departure place for shuttle buses will be the bridge over River Sakura which is about 300 m south of Mito Station.

Every morning, the buses will leave at 8:00 from the east side of the bridge (on the same side of the street as Hotel Terrace the Garden Mito and Daiwa Roynet Hotel Mito, i.e. away from the station). Do not miss the shuttle, otherwise it is necessary to take the train to Tokai Station and there take a taxi to Naka Institute.

To level the occupancy of each bus and to take the participants to the porch nearest to the their meeting room, we would like to ask you to get on the bus designated by your topical group name.

The evening buses to Mito Station will leave Naka Institute at 18:15 from October 24 to 26 (for TC group at 17:15 on October 26), and at 14:15 on October 27. The getting-off point at the station will be the bus terminal at the south exit of Mito Station, i.e. the central island of the traffic circle just below the pedestrian deck.

For TC and DivSOL groups, on the day of the banquet, the bus will take you to the banquet venue after making a stop at Mito Station. If you have accompanying persons, we can pick them up at the bus terminal at the south exit of the station.

Shuttle bus

Meeting Rooms

Naka Fusion Institute
QST Naka Map

Lunch Information

Lunch will be served at the cafeteria. The lunch time will be shifted for each topical group, since the capacity of the cafeteria is limited. Also, the lunch tickets will be sold on the first day to avoid the possible waiting line at the lunch ticket vending machines. The lunch menu during the ITPA meeting is shown here along with main ingredients and allergens. Each day you can choose from the three choices. The price might differ slightly from that displayed on the ticket vending machines, but we would like to ask for your kind understanding. Although it is possible to stay in the cafeteria after lunch, the trays need to be returned by 14:00.

Luch Menu

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