What's new
- 15 March, 2018 : Meeting photo was uploaded.
- 02 March, 2018 : Agenda was updated.
- 22 February, 2018 : Agenda was uploaded.
- 06 February, 2018 : Bus transportation information was updated.
- 24 January, 2018 : Accommodation information was updated.
- 10 Novemver, 2017 : Web page is opened.
Joint Meeting of
US-Japan MHD Workshop "Toward development of integrated studies of 3D magnetic field effects in fusion devices"
31st ITPA MHD Disruption and Control Topical Group
will be held at Naka Fusion Institute during the period of March 5 to 9, 2018.
The organizing committee US-J MHD workshop:
- S. Masamune (Kyoto Inst. Tech.)
- K. Y. Watanabe (NIFS)
- G. Matsunaga (QST)
- M. Okabayashi (PPPL)
- J. Sarff (U. Wisconsin)
Chairs/ITPA MHD Stability Topical Group:
- V. Pustovitov (Russia)
- A. Isayama (Japan)
- Y. Gribov (ITER)
The Local Organizing Committee of "US-Japan MHD workshop and Meeting of the ITPA MHD Topical Group":
- S. Ide [Chair]
- G. Matsunaga [Secretary]
- A. Isayama
- J. Shiraishi