Home > 関西光量子科学研究所 > 関西光科学研究所 | 【現地及びweb開催】第92回KPSIセミナーExploring Novel Photofunctions of Organic-Inorganic Nanohybrids


関西光科学研究所 | 【現地及びweb開催】第92回KPSIセミナーExploring Novel Photofunctions of Organic-Inorganic Nanohybrids


関西光科学研究所 >> KPSIセミナー >> Exploring Novel Photofunctions of Organic-Inorganic Nanohybrids



Exploring Novel Photofunctions of Organic-Inorganic Nanohybrids

講演者 小林 洋一 准教授(立命館大学生命科学部応用化学科)
Prof. Yoichi Kobayashi (Department of Applied Chemistry, Ritsumeikan University)
日時 2022年10月5日(水曜日)14時00分~15時00分
会場 A119室(およびオンライン)
使用言語 日本語
要旨 [PDFファイル/1.25MB]

Exploring Novel Photofunctions of Organic-Inorganic Nanohybrids

小林 洋一 准教授(立命館大学生命科学部応用化学科)
Prof. Yoichi Kobayashi (Department of Applied Chemistry, Ritsumeikan University)

概要 (Abstract)

     Inorganic nanomaterials, such as semiconductor nanocrystals, have high absorption coefficients and high dielectric constants that facilitates charge separation, and thus, have been applied to various optoelectronic materials. The interfaces of nanomaterials are generally covered with organic ligands such as fatty acids. However, by replacing these ligands with functional organic molecules, it is possible to develop further advanced photofunctional materials such as solar cells, photocatalysis, and hydrogen generation. We have been developing organic-inorganic nanohybrids by combining semiconductor nanocrystals and functional organic molecules and investigating their optical properties by time-resolved spectroscopy. In this presentation, we will introduce two topics that we have recently discovered.

【現地及びweb開催】第91回KPSIセミナー Recent theoretical development in Schwinger effect​​​​

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