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Reversible structure change in graphene/metal interface by intercalation and deintercalation
Y. Fukaya, S. Entani, and S. Sakai
Phys. Rev. B 108, 155422 (2023)
Cubic-type Heusler compound Mn2FeGa thin film with strain-induced large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
P. D. Bentley, S. Li, K. Masuda, Y. Miura, Y. Du, T. Mitsui, K. Fujiwara, Y. Kobayashi, T. Y. Guo, G. Q. Yu, C. Suzuki, S. Yamamoto, F. Zheng, Y. Sakuraba, and S. Sakai
Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 064404 (2023)
pH-dependent water permeability switching and its memory in MoS2 membranes
C. Y. Hu, A. Achari, P. Rowe, H. Xiao, S. Suran, Z. Li, K. Huang, C. Chi, C. T. Cherian, V. Sreepal, P. D. Bentley, A. Pratt, N. Zhang, K. S. Novoselov, A. Michaelides, and R. R. Nair
Nature 616, 719–723 (2023)
Half-Metallic Heusler Alloy/MoS2 Based Magnetic Tunnel Junction
K. V. Larionov, J. J. P. Pereda, S. Li, S. Sakai, and P. B. Sorokin
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14, 55167 (2022)
Study on FeCr thin film for a spintronic material with negative spin polarization
H. Suto, T. Nakatani, Y. Kota, A. Nagarjuna, H. Iwasaki, K. Amemiya, T. Mitsui, S. Sakai, S. Li, and Y. Sakuraba
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 557, 169474 (2022)
Improvement of soft magnetic properties and in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in FeCoAlO films fabricated by asymmetric targets
F. Zheng, Z. Han, S. Li, Z. Ma, H. Gao
Appl. Phys. A 128, 253 (2022)
Temperature dependence of site-resolved Fe magnetic moments in ThMn12-type Sm(Fe1−xCox)12 compounds studied via synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy
D. Ogawa, T. Fukazawa, S. Li, T. Ueno, S. Sakai, T. Mitsui, T. Miyake, S. Okamoto, S. Hirosawa, and Y.K.Takahashi
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 552, 169188 (2022)
鉄の表面近傍の特異な磁性を発見 ――原子一層毎に磁気モーメントの大きさが増減する
三井 隆也, 境 誠司, 瀬戸 誠, 赤井 久純
日本物理学会誌 77, 1(2022)
Mossbauer spectroscopy with polarized synchrotron beams at Fe/Au (111) interface
J. Okabayashi, S. Li, S. Sakai, Y. Kobayashi, K. fujiwara, T. Mitsui, and S. Mitani
Hyperfine Interact 242, 59 (2021)
Direct observation of magnetic Friedel oscillation at Fe(001) surface
T. Mitsui, S.Sakai, S. Li, T. Ueno, T. Watanuki, Y. Kobayashi, R. Masuda, M. Seto, and H. Akai
Hyperfine Interact 242, 37 (2021)
Element-specific agnetic hysteresis loops observed in hexagaonal ErFeO3 thin films
H.Yokota, Y. Kobori, S. Jitsukawa, S. Sakai, Y. Takeda, T. Mitsui, Y. Kobayashi and S. Kitao
Mater. Res. Express 8, 086402 (2021)
李松田, Konstantin V. LARIONOV , 雨宮健太, 圓谷志郎, Pavel. V. AVRAMOV, 桜庭裕弥, 楢本洋, Pavel B. SOROKIN, 境誠司
Photon Factory News, 39, 1 (2021)
Spin-polarized positronium time-of-flight spectroscopy for probing spin-polarized surface electronic states
M. Maekawa, A. Miyashita, S. Sakai, S. Li, S. Entani, A. Kawasuso, and Y. Sakuraba
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 186401 (2021)
Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at Fe/Au(111) interface studied by Mössbauer, x-ray absorption, and photoemission spectroscopies
J. Okabayashi, S. Li, S. Sakai, Y. Kobayashi, T. Mitsui, K. Tanaka, Y. Miura, and S. Mitani
Phys. Rev. B 103, 104435 (2021)
Synchrotron X-ray standing wave characterization of atomic arrangement at interface between transferred graphene and alpha-Al2O3(0001)
S. Entani, M. Honda, H. Naramoto, S. Li, and S. Sakai
Surf. Sci. 704, 121749 (2021)
Magnetic Friedel oscillation at Fe(001) surface: direct observation by atomic-layer-resolved synchrotron radiation 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy
T. Mitsui, S.Sakai, S. Li, T. Ueno, T. Watanuki, Y. Kobayashi, R. Masuda, M. Seto, and H. Akai
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 236806 (2020) (Editor's Suggestion; Featured in Physics: Magnetic Oscillations at a Metal Surface)
Gadolinium-implanted GaN studied by spin-polarized positron annihilation spectroscopy
M. Maekawa, A. Miyashita, S. Sakai, and A. Kawasuso
Phys. Rev. B 102, 054427 (2020).
Spin polarization of graphene on Co2FeGe0.5Ga0.5(001) observed by spin-polarized surface positronium spectroscopy
A. Miyashita, S. Li, S. Sakai, M. Maekawa, and A. Kawasuso
Phys. Rev. B 102, 045425 (2020).
Fully epitaxial giant magnetoresistive devices with half-metallic Heusler alloy fabricated on poly-crystalline electrode using three-dimensional integration technology
J. Chen, Y. Sakuraba, K. Yakushiji, Y. Kurashima, N. Watanabe, J. Liu, S. Li, A. Fukushima, H. Takagi, K. Kikuchi, S. Yuasa, and K. Hono
Acta Mater. 200, 1038-1045 (2020)
Graphene/half‐metallic Heusler alloy: a novel heterostructure toward high‐performance graphene spintronic devices
S. Li, K. V. Larionov, Z. I. Popov, T. Watanabe, K. Amemiya, S. Entani, P. V. Avramov, Y. Sakuraba, H. Naramoto, P. B. Sorokin, and S. Sakai
Adv. Mater., 32, 1905734 (2020) (Selected as Frontispiece)
Non-chemical fluorination of hexagonal boron nitride by high-energy ion irradiation
S. Entani, K. V. Larionov, Z. I. Popov, M. Takizawa, M. Mizuguchi, H. Watanabe, S. Li, H. Naramoto, P. B. Sorokin, and S. Sakai
Nanotechnology, 31, 125705 (2020).
Growth of graphene on SiO2 with hexagonal boron nitride buffer layer
S. Entani, M. Takizawa, S. Li, H. Naramoto, and S. Sakai
Appl. Surf. Sci. 475, 6-11 (2019)
Two-Dimensional CuO Inside the Supportive Bilayer Graphene Matrix
D. G. Kvashnin, A. G. Kvashnin, E. Kano, A. Hashimoto, M. Takeguchi, H. Naramoto, S. Sakai, and P. B. Sorokin
J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 28 (2019)
Magnetic Doppler broadening measurement on Gadolinium-doped GaN
M. Maekawa, S. Sakai, S. Hagiwara, A. Miyashita, K. Wada, A. Kawasuso, A. Yabuuchi, S. Hasegawa
AIP Conf. Proc. 2182, 050007 (2019)
Electronic structure of Li+@C60: Photoelectron spectroscopies of the Li+@C60[PF6-] salt and STM of the single Li+@C60 molecules on Cu(111)
Y. Yamada, A. V. Kuklin, S. Sato, F. Esaka, N. Sumi, C. Zhang, M. Sasaki, E. Kwon, Y, Kasama, P. V. Avramov, and S. Sakai
Carbon 133, 23-30 (2018)
Spin polarization of graphene and h-BN on Co(0001) and Ni(111) observed by spin-polarized surface positronium spectroscopy
A. Miyashita, M. Maekawa, K. Wada, A. Kawasuso, T. Watanabe, S. Entani, and S. Sakai
Phys. Rev. B 97, 195405 (2018)
Spin-Polarized Positron Beams with 22Na and 68Ge and Their Applications to Materials Research
K. Wada, A. Miyashita, M. Maekawa, S. Sakai, and A. Kawasuso
AIP Conf. Proc. 1970, 04001 (2018)
Effective adsorption and collection of cesium from aqueous solution using graphene oxide grown on porous alumina
S. Entani, M. Honda, I. Shimoyama, S. Li, H. Naramoto, T. Yaita, and S. Sakai
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 04FP04 (2018)
Interface-induced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of Co nanoparticles on single-layer h-BN/Pt(111)
T. Watanabe, Y. Yamada, A. Koide, S. Entani, S. Li, Z. I. Popov, P. B. Sorokin, H. Naramoto, M. Sasaki, K. Amemiya, and S. Sakai
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 022407 (2018) ( Selected as Featured paper)
Enhancement of current-perpendicular-to-plane giant magnetoresistance outputs by improved B2-order in polycrystalline Co2(Mn0.6Fe0.4)Ge Heusler alloy films by the insertion of amorphous CoFeBTa underlayer
S. Li, T. Nakatani, K. Matsuda, Y. Sakuraba, X. Xu, T. Sasaki, H. Tajiri, Y. Miura, T. Furubayashi, and K. Hono
Acta Mater. 142, 49-57 (2018)
Advanced CPP-GMR spin-valve sensors for narrow reader applications
T. Nakatani, S. Li, Y. Sakuraba, T. Furubayashi, and K. Hono
IEEE Trans. Magn. 54, 1 (2018)
Enhanced current-perpendicular-to-plane giant magnetoresistance by improvement of atomic order of Co2FeSi Heusler alloy film through Ag doping
S. Li, Y. Sakuraba, T. Sasaki, J. Chen, S. Bosu, K. Hono
AIP Adv. 8, 075230 (2018)
Spin-polarized positron annihilation measurement on Ga vacancies in p-type GaN
Masaki Maekawa, Seiji Sakai, Atsumi Miyashita, and Atsuo Kawasuso
e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech. 16, 347-350 (2018)
Chemical and electronic state analysis of oxidizing graphene
K. Takaoka, K. Mitsuhara, M. Takizawa, S. Entani, and S. Sakai
e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech. 16, 320-323 (2018)
Dirac Cone Spin Polarization of Graphene by Magnetic Insulator Proximity Effect Probed with Outermost Surfac8e Spin Spectroscopy
S. Sakai, S. V. Erohin, Z. I. Popov, S. Haku, T. Watanabe, Y. Yamada, S. Entani, S. Li, P. V. Avramov, H. Naramoto, K. Ando, P. B. Sorokin, and Y. Yamauchi
Adv. Funct. Mater. 28, 1800462 (2018)
The microstructural origin of the enhanced current-perpendicular-to-the-plane giant magnetoresistance by Ag/In-Zn-O/Zn spacer layer
T. Nakatani, T.T. Sasaki, S. Li, Y. Sakuraba, T. Furubayashi, and K. Hono,
J. Appl. Phys. 124, 223904 (2018)
The direct exchange mechanism of induced spin polarization of low-dimensional π-conjugated carbon- and h-BN fragments at LSMO(001) MnO-terminated interfaces
A. V. Kuklin, A. A. Kuzubov, E. A. Kovaleva, H. Lee, P. B. Sorokin, S. Sakai, S. Entani, H. Naramoto, and P. V. Avramov
J. Mag. Mag. Mater. 440, 23-29 (2017)
One-atom-thick 2D copper oxide clusters on graphene
E. Kano, D. G. Kvashnin, S. Sakai, L. A. Chernozatonskii, P. B. Sorokin, A. Hashimoto, and M. Takeguchi
Nanoscale 9, 3980-3985 (2017)
Direct observation of site-selective hydrogenation and spin-polarization in hydrogenated hexagonal boron nitride on Ni(111)
M. Ohtomo, Y. Yamauchi, X. Sun, A. A. Kuzubov, N. S. Mikhaleva, P. V. Avramov, S. Entani, Y. Matsumoto, H. Naramoto, and S. Sakai
Nanoscale 9, 2369-2375 (2017)
Theoretical Investigation of the Interfaces and Mechanisms of Induced Spin Polarization of 1D Narrow Zigzag Graphene- and h-BN Nanoribbons on a SrO-Terminated LSMO(001) Surface
P. V. Avramov, A. A. Kuzubov, A. V. Kuklin, H. Lee, E. A. Kovaleva, S. Sakai, S. Entani, H. Naramoto, and P. B. Sorokin
J. Phys. Chem. A 121, 680-689 (2017)
Estimation of graphene surface stability against the adsorption of environmental and technological chemical agents
A. G. Kvashnin, P. V. Avramov, S. Sakai, Y. S. Nechaev, and P. B. Sorokin
Phy. Stat.Solidi (b) 254, 1600702 (2017)
Vacancy-induced ferromagnetism in ZnO probed by spin-polarized positron annihilation spectroscopy
M. Maekawa, H. Abe, A. Miyashita, S. Sakai, S. Yamamoto, and A. Kawasuso
Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 172402 (2017)
Electronic Structure and Spin States of 2D graphene/VX2 (X=S, Se) Heterostructures
Z. I. Popov, M. S. Mikhaleva, M. A. Visotin, A. A. Kuzubov, S. Entani, H. Naramoto, S. Sakai, P. B. Sorokin, and P. V. Avramov
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 33047-33052 (2016)
Magnetoresistance effect in Fe20Ni80/graphene/Fe20Ni80 vertical spin valves
S. Entani, T. Seki, Y. Sakuraba, T. Yamomoto, S. Takahashi, H. Naramoto, K. Takanashi, and S. Sakai
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 082406 (2016)
Proximity-Induced Spin Polarization of Graphene in Contact with Half-Metallic Manganite
S. Sakai, S. Majumdar, Z. I. Popov, P. V. Avramov, Y. Hasagawa, Y. Yamada, H. Huhtinen, H. Naramoto, P. B. Sorokin, and Y. Yamauchi
ACS Nano 10, 7532-7541 (2016)
Pt- and Au-induced monodirectional nanowires on Ge(110)
T. Watanabe, Y. Yamada, M. Sasaki, S. Sakai, Y. Yamauchi
Surf. Sci. 653, 71-75 (2016)
Spacing between graphene and metal substrates studied with total-reflection high-energy positron diffraction
Y. Fukaya, S. Entani, S. Sakai, I. Mochizuki, K. Wada, T. Hyodo, and S. Shamoto
Carbon 103, 1-4 (2016)
Real-space multiple-scattering theory of XMCD including spin-orbit interaction in scattering process
A. Koide, K. Niki, S. Sakai, T. Fujikawa
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 712, 012010 (2016)
Effective fluorination of single-layer graphene by high-energy ion irradiation through a LiF overlayer
S. Entani, M. Mizuguchi, H. Watanabe, L. Y. Antipina, P. B. Sorokin, P. V. Avramov, H. Naramoto, and S. Sakai
RSC Adv. 6, 68525-68529 (2016)
Contracted Interlayer Distance in Graphene/Sapphire Heterostructure
S. Entani, L. Y. Antipina, P. V. Avramov, M. Ohtomo, Y. Matsumoto, N. Hirao, O. Shimoyama, Y. Baba, P. V. Sorokin, and S. Sakai
Nano Res. 8, 1535-1545 (2015)
Magnetotransport properties of a few-layer graphene-ferromagnetic metal junctions in vertical spin valve devices
S. Entani, H. Naramoto, S. Sakai
J. Appl. Phys. 117, 17A334 (2015)
Spin States of 2D Nanocomposites of Ni and V Nanoclusters on Hexagonal h-BN, BC 3 and Graphene
P. V. Avramov, A. A. Kuzubov, S. Sakai, S. Entani, H. Naramoto, and N. Eliseeva
J. Mater. Sci. Tech. 31, 979-985 (2015)
Prospects of Spin Catalysis on Spin-Polarized Graphene Heterostructures
P. V. Avramov, P. B. Sorokin, S. Sakai, S. Entani, and H. Naramoto,
Aust. J. Chem. 69, 753-758 (2015)
Multi-charged heavy ion acceleration from the ultra-intense short pulse laser system interacting with the metal target
M. Nishiuchi, H. Sakaki, S. Maeda, A. Sagisaka, A. Pirozhkov, T. Pikuz, A. Faenov, K. Ogura, M. Kanasaki, K. Matsukawa, T. Kusumoto, A. Tao, T. Fukami, T. Esirkepov, J. Koga, H. Kiriyama, H. Okada, T. Shimomura, M. Tanoue, Y. Nakai, Y. Fukuda, S. Sakai, J. Tamura, K. Nishio, H. Sako, M. Kando, T. Yamauchi, Y. Watanabe, S. Bulanov, and K. Kondo
Rev. Sci. Inst. 85, 02B904 (2014)
Contact-induced spin polarization of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride on Ni(111)
M. Ohtomo, Y. Yamauchi, A. A. Kuzubov, N. S. Eleseeva, P. V. Avramov, S. Entani, Y. Matsumoto, H. Naramoto, and S. Sakai
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 , 051604 (2014)
Atomic structure and physical properties of fused porphyrin nanoclusters
P. V. Avramov, A. A. Kuzubov, S. Sakai, M. Ohtomo, S. Entani, Y. Matsumoto, N. S. Elseeva, V. A. Pomogaev, and H. Naramoto
J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 18, 552-568 (2014)
The adsorption of h-BN monolayer on the Ni(111) surface studied by density functional theory calculations with a semiempirical long-range dispersion correction
X. Sun, A. Pratt, Z. Li, M. Ohtomo, S. Sakai, and Y. Yamauchi
J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17C117 (2014)
Contact-induced spin polarization in BNNT(CNT)/TM (TM=Co, Ni) nanocomposites
A. A. Kuzubov, E. A. Kovaleva, P. Avramov, A. V. Kuklin, N. S. Mikhaleva, F. N. Tomilin, S. Sakai, S. Entani, Y. Matsumoto, and H. Naramoto
J. Appl. Phys. 116, 084309 (2014)
Enhancement of IR photoluminescence of β-FeSi2 nanocrystals by Cu-doping and study of its mechanism
Y. Maeda, T. Tatsumi, Y. Kawakubo, Y. Noguchi, H. Kobayashi, K. Narumi, and S. Sakai
Phys. Status Solidi (c) 11, 1621-1629 (2014)
Ion beam analysis of Heusler alloy Fe3Si epitaxially grown on Si(111)
Y. Maeda, Y. Kawakubo, Y. Noguchi, K. Narumi, and S. Sakai
Phys. Status Solidi (c) 11, 1570-1573 (2014)
グラフェン/ニッケル薄膜界面の電子スピン物性 (Spin-dependent electronic states of graphene-nickel thin film interface)
松本 吉弘, 小出明広, 藤川 高志, 雨宮 健太, 大伴真名歩, 圓谷 志郎, P. V. Avramov, 楢本 洋, 境 誠司
Photon Factory News 32, 15-18 (2014)
High spin polarization at the Fe/C60 interface in the Fe-doped C60 film
S. Sakai, Y. Matsumoto, M. Ohtomo, S. Entani, P. V. Avramov, P. B. Sorokin, and H. Naramoto
Synthetic Metals 173, 22-25 (2013)
In-Plane Orientation Control of 2,7-Diphenyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene Monolayer on Bismuth-Terminated Si(111) Vicinal Surfaces with Wettability Optimization
M. Ohtomo, Y. Tsuchida, N. Muraya, T. Yanase, S. Sakai, T. Yonezawa, T. Nagahama, T. Hasegawa, and T. Shimada
J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 11555-11561 (2013)
Controllable fabrication of amorphous Si layer by energetic cluster ion bombardment
V. Lavrentiev, V. Vorlicek, A. Dejneka, D. Chvostova, A. Jäger, J. Vacik, L. Jastrabik, H. Naramoto, K. Narumi
Vacuum 98, 49-55 (2013)
Spin polarization of single-layer graphene epitaxially grown on Ni(111) thin film
S. Entani, M. Kurahashi, X. Sun, and Y. Yamauchi
Carbon 61, 134-139 (2013)
プレスリリース 「グラフェンの伝導電子のスピン状態を解明」
Spin orientation transition across the single-layer graphene/nickel thin film interface
Y. Matsumoto, S. Entani, A. Koide, M. Ohtomo, P. V. Avramov, H. Naramoto, K. Amemiya, T. Fujikawa, and S. Sakai
J. Mater. Chem C 1, 5533-5537 (2013)
Ion beam analysis of quaternary Heusler alloy Co2(Mn1–x Fe x)Si(111) epitaxially grown on Ge(111)
Y. Kawakubo, Y. Noguchi, T. Hirata, K. Narumi, S. Sakai, S. Yamada, K. Hamaya, M. Miyao, and Y. Maeda
Phys. Stat. Solidi (c) 10, 1828-1831 (2013)
RBS study of disordering of Fe3-xMnxSi/Ge(111) heteroepitaxial interfaces
Y. Noguchi, T. Hirata, Y. Kawakubo, K. Narumi, S. Sakai, and Y. Maeda
Phys. Stat. Solidi (c) 10, 1732-1734 (2013)
Spin polarization study of graphene on the Ni(111) surface by density functional theory calculations with a semiempirical long-range dispersion correction
X. Sun, S. Entani, Y. Yamauchi, A. Pratt, and M. Kurahashi
J. Appl. Phys. 114, 143713 (2013)
Bias voltage dependence of tunneling magnetoresistance in granular C60–Co films with current-perpendicular-to-plane geometry
S. Sakai, S. Mitani, Y. Matsumoto, S. Entani, P. V. Avramov, M. Ohtomo , H. Naramoto, and K. Takanashi
J. Mag. Magn . Mater. 324, 1970-1974 (2012)
Local structures and magnetic properties of Fullerene-Co systems studied by XAFS and XMCD analyses
I. Hojo, A. Koide, Y. Matsumoto, T. Maruyama, S. Nagamatsu , S. Entani, S. Sakai, and T. Fujikawa
J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 185, 32-38 (2012)
Contact-induced spin polarization in graphene/h-BN/Ni nanocomposites
P. V. Avramov, A. A. Kuzubov, S. Sakai, M. Ohtomo, S. Entani, Y. Matsumoto, H. Naramoto, N. S. Eleseeva
J. Appl. Phys. 112, 114303 (2012)
Photoluminescence properties of carbon-doped β-FeSi2 nanocrystals
Y. Maeda, K. Nishimura, T. Nakajima, B. Matsukura, K. Narumi, and S. Sakai
Phys. Stat. Solidi (c) 9, 1884-1887 (2012)
Enhancement of IR light emission from β-FeSi2 nanocrystals embedded in Si
Y. Maeda, K. Nishimura, T. Nakajima, B. Matsukura, K. Narumi, and S. Sakai
Phys. Stat. Solidi (c) 9, 1888-1891 (2012)
High hydrogen-adsorption-rate material based on graphane decorated with alkali metals
L. Yu. Antipina, P. V. Avramov, S. Sakai, H. Naramoto, M. Ohtomo, S. Entani, Y. Matsumoto, and P. B. Sorokin
Phys. Rev. B 86, 085435 (2012)
Quasi-monochromatic pencil beam of laser-driven protons generated using a conical cavity target holder
M. Nishiuchi, A. S. Pirozhkov , H. Sakaki, K. Ogura, T. Zh . Esirkepov , T. Tanimoto, M. Kanasaki , A. Yogo, T. Hori, A. Sagisaka , Y. Fukuda, Y. Matsumoto, S. Entani, S. Sakai, C. M. Brenner, D. Neely, T. Yamauchi, S. V. Bulanov, and K. Kondo
Phys. Plasmas 19, 030706 (2012)
Intrinsic Edge Asymmetry in Narrow Zigzag Hexagonal Heteroatomic Nanoribbons Causes their Subtle Uniform Curvature
P. V. Avramov, D. G. Fedorov, P. B. Sorokin, S. Sakai, S. Entani, M. Ohtomo , Y. Matsumoto, and H. Naramoto
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3, 2003-2008 (2012)
Structure Determination of Self-Assembled Monolayer on Oxide Surface by Soft-X-Ray Standing Wave
Y. Baba, A. Narita, T. Sekiguchi, I. Shimoyama , N. Hirao, S. Entani, and S. Sakai
e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech. 10, 69-73 (2012)
Functionalization of Silicon Crystal Surface by Energetic Cluster Ion Bombardment
V. Lavrentiev, J. Vacik , A. Dejneka , L. Jastrabik , V. Vorlicek, D. Chvostova , Z. Potucek, K. Narumi, and H. Naramoto
J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 12, 9136-9141 (2012)
Precise control of single- and bi-layer graphene growths on epitaxial Ni(111) thin film
S. Entani, Y. Matsumoto, M. Ohtomo, P. V. Avramov, H. Naramoto, S. Sakai
J. Appl. Phys. 111, 064324 (2012)
High-capacity electrode material BC3 for lithium batteries proposed by ab initio simulations
A. A. Kuzubov, A. S. Fedorov, N. S. Eliseeva , F. N. Tomilin , P. V. Avramov, and D. G. Fedorov
Phys. Rev. B 85, 195415 (2012)
Self organization of FeGe/FeSi/FeGe layered structures on Ge and their electrical conduction properties
B. Matsukura, Y. Hiraiwa, T. Makajima, K. Narumi, S. Sakai, T. Sadoh, M. Miyao, and Y. Maeda
Phys. Proc. 23, 21-24 (2012)
Determination of silicon vacancy in ion-beam synthesized β-FeSi2, Y. Maeda, T. Ichikawa, T. Jonishi, and K. Narumi, Physics Procedia 11, 83-86 (2011)
Size-derived effects in electronic and elastic properties of diamanes, L. A. Chernozatonskii, P. B. Sorokin, A. A. Kuzubov, B. P. Sorokin, A. G. Kvashnin, D. G. Kvashnin, P. V. Avramov, and B. I. Yakobson, J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 132-136 (2011)
Interface Properties of Ag and Au/Graphene Heterostructures Studied by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy, S. Entani, S. Sakai, Y. Matsumoto, H. Naramoto, T. Hao, and Y. Maeda, Jpn J. Appl. Phys. 50, 04DN03 (2011)
Ab initio LC-DFT study of graphene, multilayer graphenes and graphite, P. V. Avramov, S. Sakai, S. Entani, Y. Matsumoto, H. Naramoto, Chem. Phys. Lett. 508, 86-89 (2011)
Effect of cotunneling and spin polarization on the large tunneling magnetoresistance effect in granular C60-Co films, S. Sakai, S. Mitani , I. Sugai , K. Takanashi, Y. Matsumoto, S. Entani, H. Naramoto, P. Avramov, and Y. Maeda, Phys. Rev. B 83, 174422 (2011)
多重散乱理論による Co-C60 薄膜の XAS 解析 ( Multiplet Scattering Approach to XAS for Co-C 60 Films), 北條 育子,松本 吉弘,丸山 喬,永松 伸一,圓谷 志郎,境 誠司,小西健久,藤川 高志, Photon Factory News 29, 20-25 (2011)
Thermo-dynamical contours of electronic-vibrational spectra simulated using the statistical quantum–mechanical methods, V. Pomogaev, A. Pomogaeva, P. Avramov, K. J. Jalkanen, and S. Kachin, Theor. Chem. Acc. 130, 609-632 (2011)
Ferromagnetic interlayer coupling in C60-Co compound/Ni bilayer structure, Y. Matsumoto, S. Sakai, S. Entani, Y. Takagi, T. Nakagawa, H. Naramoro, P. Avramov, and T. Yakoyama, Chem. Phys. Lett. 511, 68-72 (2011)
Ion channeling study of epitaxy of iron based Heusler alloy films on Ge(111), Y. Maeda, K. Narumi, S. Sakai, Y. Terai, K. Hamaya, T. Sadoh, and M. Miyao, Thin Solid Films 519, 8461-8467 (2011)
Thermal Effect on Structure Organizations in Cobalt-Fullerene Nanocomposition, V. Lavrentiev, J. Vacik, H. Naramoto, S. Sakai, J. Nanosci. & Nanotech. 10, 2624-2629 (2010)
RBS study of diffusion under strong centrifugal force in bimetallic Au/Cu thin films, T. Hao, M. Ono, S. Okayasu, S. Sakai, K. Narumi, Y. Hiraiwa, H. Naramoto, and Y. Maeda, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 268, 1867-1870 (2010)
Composition dependence of magnetic and magnetotransport properties in C 60 -Co granular thin films, I. Sugai, S. Sakai, Y. Matsumoto, H. Naramoto, S. Mitani, K. Takanashi, Y. Maeda, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 063920 (2010)
Effect of ion irradiation on structure and thermal evolution of the Ni-C 60 hybrid systems, J. Vacik, V. Lavrentiev, V. Vorlicek, L. Bacakova, and K. Narumi, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 268, 1976-1979 (2010)
Observation of intermolecular N-I interaction during the growth of a 4-cyano-4'-iodobiphenyl molecular crystal on GeS (001), R. Sumii, M. Sakamaki, Y. Matsumoto, K. Amemiya, K. Kanai, K. Seki, Surf. Sci. 604, 1100-1104 (2010)
Interface Properties of Metal/Graphene Heterostructures Studied by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy, S. Entani, S. Sakai, Y. Matsumoto, H. Naramoto, T. Hao , and Y. Maeda, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 20042-20048 (2010 )
Comparison of secondary ion emission yields for poly-tyrosine between cluster and heavy ion impacts, K. Hirata, Y. Saitoh, A. Chiba, K. Yamada, Y. Takahashi, and K. Narumi, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 268, 2930-2932 (2010)
Atomic Structure and Energetic Stability of Complex Chiral Silicon Nanowires, P. V. Avramov, S. Minami, S. Irle, L. A. Chernozatonskii, and K. Morokuma, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 14692-14696 (2010)
Theoretical Study of Atomic Structure and Elastic Properties of Branched Silicon Nanowires, P. B. Sorokin, A. G. Kvashnin, D. G. Kvashnin, J. A. Filicheva, P. V. Avramov, A. S. Fedorov, ACS Nano 4, 2784-2790 (2010)
Theoretical Study of Elastic Properties of SiC Nanowires of Different Shapes, P. B. Sorokin, D. G. Kvashnin, A. G. Kvashnin, P. V. Avramov, and L. A. Chernozatonskii, J. Nanosci. & Nanotech. 10, 4992-4997 (2010)
Beta-phase silicon nanowires: structure and electronic properties, P. B. Sorokin, P. V. Avramov, V. A. Demin, L. A. Chernozatonskii, JETP Letters 92, 352-355 (2010)
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The elastic properties of branched silicon nanowires: the theoretical study
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The study of the atomic structure and elastic properties of the silicon carbide nanowires
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