The Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology in QST

Procedures for QST-ARIM Users


Application Qualification

Researchers other than students belonging to universities, companies, and public research organizations can apply as a project leader.

Regular Call for Research Proposals

The facilities of the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST) are available to researchers of other organizations as part of the Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology in Japan Program, and under the Shared-Use Program in QST Facilities. Research proposals for the second half (B-term) of present fiscal year are accepted in May. Research proposals for the first half (A-term) of next fiscal year are accepted in September.

Application Method

Please complete all requirements in the QST application forms and submit them as e-mail attachments. The following application forms can be downloaded:

The First Office of Research Planning and Promotion (Harima site)
Department of Management and Planning
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology

Phone: +81-791-58-2641
Fax: +81-791-58-0311
E-mail: qst_arim[at]

  1. (1) Application-related documents (for 2024B)
  2. (2) Documents to be submitted after the adoption of a proposal
  3. (3) User report to be submitted upon completion of the research term
    • The way to make the report will be informed as soon as it's been decided.
  4. (4) Various notifications of change
  5. (5) Terms and conditions

Usage Fees

Usage of QST synchrotron radiation apparatuses is charged. Usage fees were revised in April 2023. Technical consultations with scientists and technicians of QST are available any time, free of charge. Usage fees consist of the following fees.

Usage Fees

(1) Handling Charge

Handling charge is 9,900 JPY (tax excluded) per adopted project.

(2) Facility Usage Charge

Unit price of facility usage charge depends on the usage classification. It does not depend on the use form or used apparatus. Usage charge is calculated from the number of 8-hour shifts used (complete or partial).

Non-proprietary research corresponds to the ARIM. If requirements of non-proprietary research are not satisfied, the difference between the proprietary research fee may be charged.

The facility usage charge is reviewed and revised every three years. The current price list should be confirmed on the website.

(3) Additional Charge

If users need special assistance by QST researchers or technicians, the actual and overhead expenses are paid, in principle.

Main additional charge corresponds to services of apparatus operation, technical assistance of apparatus operation, sample preparation, experimental data analysis, facility use (excluding ARIM apparatuses), sample transport, and expendables. Apparatus operation methods and safety instructions are explained before beginning an experiment by QST researchers or technicians. Additional assistance by QST staff requires additional expenses. Please submit “Form-1 for special assistance and expendables (in Japanese)”.

The additional expenses depend on the time spent and grade of the staff. Please confirm the price with the person-in-charge in advance. Expenses are exempt if the QST staff is included as a collaborator in publications.

Usage Fees (2024A_ARIM)

Usage Fees (2024B_ARIM)

Advance Consultation

Please confer in advance about technical details and shared use of experimental data with the person-in-charge of each experimental apparatus before submitting application forms to QST.

Urgent Applications

Urgent research proposals are welcome at any time. The reason statement (free format), which explains the urgency, must be attached to the application forms.

Duplicate Applications

Duplicate applications to SPring-8 or other synchrotron radiation facilities are not prohibited. After adoption of a proposal submitted to QST, please refrain from cancelation of a proposal without reason.

Review of Research Proposals

General non-proprietary proposals are reviewed by the JAEA and QST joint proposal review committee. The committee determines the adoption or rejection and the number of 8-hour shifts. QST shares the review outcomes with users.

Terms of QST-ARIM Program

Passing the review and submitting user's agreement for the Terms of QST-ARIM Program (in Japanese) are suitable to support user experiments.

Supprts for users of private companies

QST provides special supports, if necessary, users of private companies make public their research results.

Application Forms for Adopted Project and Letter of Agreement Regarding the Research Conduct

After passing the review, Application Forms for Adopted Project is a condition to support user experiments. Please submit it after agreeing to the Terms of QST-ARIM Program (in Japanese). If you agree to the Terms of Data Registration (in Japanese) and submit the Application Form for data registration, a part of your experimental data will be registered in the hub organization. A Letter of agreement regarding research conduct (in preparation for 2023B) is also necessary for research proposals of the Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology in Japan program to prevent acts of dishonesty in research. Every project member must submit after reading the measures to prevent research misconduct in QST (for reference purposes only). The project leaders should submit all letters and also please agree to the dealing policy for personal information in QST and ARIM project.

Effective Period of the Project

Projects should be completed in the half year of the application period. If the project cannot be implemented within the specified period due to failure of the apparatus or beamline, the project may be postponed to the subsequent period.

Implementation Flow of Adopted Project

Implementation Flow of Adopted Projects

Note (1)

QST will inform the Project Leader of the SPring-8 proposal number (2024A○○○○) and the QST Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology project number (JPMXP1224QS00XX).

Note (2)

<Contract Beamline>
First, please check Use of Contract Beamline in the Contract Beamline of SPring-8 User Information to understand the use procedures.

<User Registration>
All users are required to be registered as a SPring-8 user. Please complete your registration via “My Page Login” of the SPring-8 User Information website.

<Submission of Use Plan>
For the project leader, please submit your proposal via “My Page” of the SPring-8 User Information website on the basis of your research proposal that has already been approved by QST.
STEP1: Please login to “My Page”, click “Create and Edit Proposal Application Form” and select “New”.
STEP2: For the General Proposals, please select “Contract Beamlines” of “Non-proprietary” to proceed. For the Industry-Academia Collaboration Initiative or Proprietary Research, please select “Contract Beamlines” of “Proprietary” to proceed.
STEP3: Input the basic information of your proposal.
STEP4: Input your project team members.
STEP5: Input known safety hazards and mitigation measures to be taken.
STEP6: Input purpose and significance.
STEP7: Input method and layout.
STEP8: Upload figure files if necessary.
STEP9: Confirm your application form and submit.

  • Please use the last four digits of your SPring-8 proposal number (2024A○○○○).
  • QST will provide the deadline to submit your “Application Form”.
Note (3)

Please read the “Terms of QST-ARIM Program (in Japanese)”, “Terms of Data Registration (in Japanese)” and “Measures for the prevention of research misconduct in QST (for reference purposes only)”. Complete the necessary information in the "Application Forms for Adopted Project" and sign the first and the third pages. All the two signed sheets must be printed and submitted to QST (see below). Each user written in the "Application Forms for Adopted Project" must provide a “Letter of agreement regarding research conduct”. The "Application Forms for Adopted Project" and the “Letter of agreement regarding research conduct” will be sent from QST in advance.

  • The submission deadline is three weeks before the start of your first experiment.
  • Receipt of your Application Forms for Adopted Project will be acknowledged with a letter of acceptance.

【Address for sending completed “Application Form”】
The First Office of Research Planning and Promotion (Harima site)
Department of Management and Planning
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5148, Japan

Note (4)

This document is required for users of SPring-8 after April 1st, 2023 and is valid for one fiscal year. Please access to the SPring-8 User Information website and select “Radiation Worker Application Form” to prepare the document. As of January 2022, this document can be submitted via the Web Application System. For more details, please visit the RIKEN Harima Safety Center website. A printed application with seals will still be acceptable as well.

  • The submission deadline is ten days before your first arrival at SPring-8 each fiscal year.

【Address for sending completed form (when submitting this document by paper)】
SPring-8/SACLA Users Office
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198, Japan

Note (5)

Please apply and submit online “Application Form for SPring-8 Facilities (Form 10)”, “Application of List of Samples, Reagents, etc. (Form 9)”, and “List of Carry-In Items (Form 8)” before every visit for experiments by logging in to the SPring-8 User Information. Upon receipt of your application, QST will inform you of the necessary procedures upon arrival (safety training session, confirmation of dosimeter (your organization), lending of dosimeter (SPring-8), issuance of user card) by QST.

  • Applications must be made at least ten days before each visit to SPring-8.
  • If changes are necessary after submission, please contact QST (harima_kyoyo[at] as soon as possible.
Note (6)

For the SPring-8 Guest House, you can check the availability here. Cancellations must be made before 16:00, two days prior to check-in. If you do not cancel your reservation by the deadline, you may be charged for the relevant fee for the number of nights you cancelled.

Note (7)

In the case of “Visits for Experimental Setup”, completing “Application Form for SPring-8 Facilities”, “Application of List of Samples, Reagents, etc.” and “List of Carry-In Items” is also necessary. Please submit them online by logging in to the SPring-8 User Information. Upon receipt, QST will inform you of necessary procedures upon arrival. The submission deadline is at least ten days before each arrival at SPring-8. If changes are necessary after submission, please contact QST (harima_kyoyo[at] as soon as possible.

  • The submission deadline is at least ten days before each arrival at SPring-8.
  • If changes are necessary after submission, please contact QST (harima_kyoyo[at] as soon as possible.
Note (8)

If you plan to bring radioactive materials, laser equipment, or high-pressure gas to the beamline, please complete the necessary documents after consulting with your QST contact person. Please refer to “Procedures before Start of Experiments at SPring-8 ” for details.

  • The submission deadline is no later than two weeks before each experimental cycle.
  • If this deadline has passed, you may not conduct your experiment with the relevant materials/equipment.
Note (9)

Before arriving at SPring-8, please complete the necessary procedures, as indicated by QST. Please remember to bring the dosimeter provided to you by your organization. It should be shown to the safety center of RIKEN (North Building) (This is not necessary for users affiliated with organizations outside Japan). Before leaving SPring-8, please return your dosimeter (SPring-8) and user card to the North Building. Online submission of a Beamtime Report (Form No.12) is not necessary for use of contract beamlines.

SPring-8 Guest House

Check-in: 16:00–23:30
Check-out: 7:00–10:30
Phone (reception desk): 0791-58-0933 ext. 8181, 8182

If you cannot arrive in time for your scheduled check-in, please contact the reception desk in advance. Failure to do so by 23:30 may result in cancellation of your reservation.

Cancel Policy
Cancellation must be made before 16:00 two days prior to your scheduled stay. Otherwise, there will be a penalty fee. Please notify QST promptly if your schedule changes.

Note (10)

Upon completion of your experiment, QST will send form detailing the number of shifts used.

  • Please review and provide billing details. You will be invoiced for the amount due, which should be paid via a bank transfer. Usage fees are calculated from the number of 8-hour shift used (complete or partial).
  • A detailed breakdown of charges is supplied upon request.
Note (11)

Please submit an “Experiment Summary Report” within 60 days of completion of the research term. Please select “Experiment Summary Report” after logging into the SPring-8 User Information and complete your report online.

  • Please use your SPring-8 proposal number (2024B○○○○).
Note (12)

A user report is required. The reporting method and deadline will be notified when they are specified.

Note (13)

<Example acknowledgements>
(A Part of) This work was supported by the QST Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology under the remit of "Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan (Proposal No. JPMXP1224QS00XX). And this work contains the results of the Nanotechnology Platform Japan (Proposal No. JPMXP09A21QS○○○○). The synchrotron radiation experiments were performed using a QST experimental station at QST(JAEA) beamline BL○○○○, SPring-8, with the approval of the Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI) (SPring-8 Proposal No. 2024A○○○○). We are grateful to Dr. A for his/her support of 〇〇〇○○○○〇.

Note (14)

Research results shall be published in a format stipulated by QST such as a journal article(including (a) original articles, (b) reviews, (c) proceedings, (d) books, (e) magazines, (f) in-house newsletters [only if published externally], (g) presentations at academic conferences, study groups, seminars, symposia, lectures, and report sessions, (h) press releases, (j) patent applications, etc.) within 2 years of April 1 of the year following the Facility Use Fiscal Year with notification given to QST in the form prescribed by QST. (Until September 30th, 2026 for 2024A reserch proposals.)

Note (15)

SPring-8 users who perform a non-proprietary experiment must publish their results in the form of (1) a refereed journal article (including refereed proceedings and doctoral dissertations), (2) a SPring-8/SACLA Research Report, refereed by JASRI, or (3) a technical journal article approved by the JASRI’s SPring-8/SACLA Research Results Review Committee. Publications must be registered with the SPring-8 Proposal Number and the QST Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology Number in the SPring-8 Publications Database by logging into the SPring-8 User Information within three years from the end of the half-year research term that the experiment was conducted (in the case of 2024A, September 30th, 2027).

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