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関西光科学研究所 | 第39回KPSIセミナー 分解能4~6Åのクライオ電子顕微鏡データによるタンパク質構造決定


関西光科学研究所 >> KPSIセミナー >> 分解能4~6Åのクライオ電子顕微鏡データによるタンパク質構造決定






講演者 Prof. Daisuke Kihara
(米国パデュー大学 生物計算科学部)
場所 関西光科学研究所 ITBL棟 G201号室
日時 2018年7月4日(水曜日)11時00分~
使用言語 英語
要旨 [PDFファイル/182KB]


Prof. Daisuke Kihara
(米国パデュー大学 生物計算科学部)


An increasing number of protein structures are determined by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) at near atomic resolution. However, tracing the main-chains and building full-atom models from EM maps of ~4–5Å is still not trivial and remains a time-consuming task. Here, we introduce a fully automated de novo structure modeling method, MAINMAST, which builds three-dimensional models of a protein from a near-atomic resolution EM map. The method directly traces the protein’s main-chain and identifies Cα positions as tree-graph structures in the EM map. MAINMAST performs significantly better than existing software in building global protein structure models on data sets of 40 simulated density maps at 5Å resolution and 30 experimentally determined maps at 2.6–4.8Å resolution. In another benchmark of building missing fragments in protein models for EM maps, MAINMAST builds fragments of 11–161 residues long with an average RMSD of 2.68Å.


第38回KPSIセミナー 複雑な生物学的問題のための簡単な静電モデル
第40回KPSIセミナー Ultra high intense laser matter interaction and their application

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