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関西光科学研究所 | 第35回KPSIセミナー Application of femtosecond laser μ-processing in biomedical and material in KRISS


関西光科学研究所 >> KPSIセミナー >> Application of femtosecond laser μ-processing in biomedical and material in KRISS




Application of femtosecond laser μ-processing in biomedical and material in KRISS


講演者 Sae Chae Jeoung
(韓国 Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science, Daejeon)
職位 PhD
場所 関西光科学研究所 ITBL棟 G201号室
日時 2018年4月9日(月曜日)11時00分~12時00分
使用言語 英語
要旨 [PDFファイル/71KB]

Application of femtosecond laser μ-processing in biomedical and material in KRISS

Sae Chae Jeoung
(韓国 Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science, Daejeon)


Ultrafast laser facilities and their users have grown rapidly and have feasted new important discoveries and excitement in various scientific and technological areas. Drastic improvements in temporal, spatial, energetic and spectroscopic characteristics have been realized after its invention. Upon excitation with the fluence high enough to occur irreversible events, negligible damage on target materials outside directly exposed area of ultrafast laser allow one to treat biological samples like live cell membrane and to remove thin films as well as bulk materials for many application fields including micro-optics, electronics, and even biology under extremely high precision. For realizing the fs-laser micro-processing in industrial and medicinal application, however, it is crucial to find a way to overcome their low productivity and enhance the selectivity. In this presentation, some of attempts and discoveries to solve these issues related to optical engineering and micro-surgery in KRISS are summarized to demonstrate the unique features and opportunities of ultrafast laser. The first part of my talk will devote to explain the trials for biomedical application with exemplifying the selectivity such as the removal of angiogenetic blood vessels without apparent damage in surround normal tissues and selective patterning of layered thin film solar cell without prominent damage on undesired part of the target. And also, brief introduction on the modification of soft materials like PDMS to form the superhydrophobic surface and its application will be given in the last part of the talk.


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