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関西光科学研究所 | 第34回KPSIセミナー Near Infrared Photoimmunotherapy for Cancer


関西光科学研究所 >> KPSIセミナー >> Near Infrared Photoimmunotherapy for Cancer




Near Infrared Photoimmunotherapy for Cancer


講演者 小林 久隆
職位 上席研究員
場所 関西光科学研究所 管理棟 A119号室(大会議室)
日時 2018年3月20日(火曜日)14時00分~15時00分
使用言語 日本語
要旨 [PDFファイル/26KB]

Near Infrared Photoimmunotherapy for Cancer

小林 久隆


Near infrared (NIR) photoimmunotherapy (PIT) is a newly developed, molecularly-targeted cancer photo-theranostic technology based on conjugating a near infrared silica-phthalocyanine dye, IRdye700DX (IR700) to a monoclonal antibody (MAb) thereby targeting specific cell-surface molecules. A first-in-human Phase 1 clinical trial of NIR-PIT with the cetuximab-IR700 (RM1929) targeting EGFR in patients with inoperable head and neck cancer started May 2015. The Phase 2 trial has completed in October 2017, and is now in transition to designated fast-track Phase 3 in January 2018 (Study of RM-1929 and Photoimmunotherapy in Patients With Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer). When exposed to NIR light, the conjugate rapidly induces a highly-selective, necrotic/immunogenic cell death (ICD) only in antigen-positive, MAb-IR700-bound cancer cells. ICD occurs as early as 1 minute after exposure to NIR light and results in irreversible morphologic changes only on target-expressing cells. Meanwhile, immediately adjacent receptor-negative cells are totally unharmed. Dynamic 3D observation of tumor cells undergoing NIR-PIT along with novel live cell microscopies showed rapidly swelling in treated cells immediately after light exposure suggesting rapid water influx into cells. Cell biological analysis showed that ICD induced by NIR-PIT rapidly maturates immature dendritic cells adjacent to dying cancer cells that leads to initiate a host anti-cancer immune response. Furthermore, NIT-PIT targeting immuno-suppressor cells, such as Treg, in a local tumor, can enhance tumor cell-selective, systemic host-immunity leading to significant responses in distant metastatic tumors. Due to it highly targeted cancer cell-selective cytotoxicity, NIR-PIT carries few side effects and healing is rapid. NIR-PIT induces ICD on cancer cells that initiates host immunity. Moreover, NIR-PIT can locally deplete Tregs and other immune suppressor cells infiltrating in tumor beds, thus, activating systemic anti-cancer cellular immunity without potential autoimmune adverse effects.


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