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関西光科学研究所 | 第12回KPSIセミナー Laser ion source at Brookhaven National Laboratory


関西光科学研究所 >> KPSIセミナー >> Laser ion source at Brookhaven National Laboratory




Laser ion source at Brookhaven National Laboratory


講演者 岡村 昌宏
( Collider-Accelerator Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory )
職位 physicist
場所 関西光科学研究所 ITBL棟 G201号室
日時 10月27日(木曜日)10時30分~
使用言語 英語
要旨 [PDFファイル/123KB]

Laser ion source at Brookhaven National Laboratory

岡村 昌宏
(Brookahven National Laboratory)


In the field of accelerator, many laser systems are being used. Some lasers are used to make electron beams, Other laser is used to measure energy of negatively charged proton beams. Out group focus on creating heavy ion beams by laser ablation, since it has great advantages to provide high brightness ion beams. Several projects are being pursued in Brookhaven National Laboratory. Among them, a low charge fast species switching ion source will be discussed. The laser ion source provides various species including Li, C, Ca, O, Ca, Ti, Fe, Al, Ta and gold. These singly charged ion beams are delivered to electron beam ion source (EBIS) which strips electrons off to be highly charged states. Then, the requested change state ions are selected and accelerated to 1 Gev/u and are used investigate biological effect caused by cosmic rays.


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