"Prototype of a penning ionization gauge type ion source with a permeant magnet for a Mev compact ion microbeam system"
Y. Ishii, T. Ohkubo, Y. Miyake
Aip Coference Proceedings, 2019-03
"Two-photon excited microscale colour centre patterns in Ag-activated phosphate glass written using a focused proton beam"
T. Kurobori, W. Kada, T. Shirao, T. Satoh
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57, 02Cc01-1 - 02Cc01-7, 2018-02, Doi:10.7567/Jjap.57.02Cc01
"Laser-plasma-generation system with controlled interpulse delays between two laser shots: System and preliminary experiments"
H. Kashiwagi, K. Yamada
Aip Conference Proceedings 2011(1), 030012-1 - 030012-3, 2018-09
"Electrically controllable position-controlled color centers created in Sic pn junction diode by proton beam writing"
Y. Yamazaki, Y. Chiba, T. Makino, S. Sato, N. Yamada, T. Satoh, Y. Hijikata, K. Kojima, S. Lee, T. Ohshima
Journal of Materials Research, 33(20), 3355 - 3361, 2018-10
"Development of a prototype Pig ion source with electric magnets for a compact ion microbeam system"
Y. Ishii, T. Ohkubo, H. Kashiwagi, Y. Miyake
Aip Conference Proceedings, 2011, 080015-1 - 080015-3, 2018-10