26-28 September 2007, Tsukuba, Japan
Conference Program
Program and Abstracts
Time Table (148KB)
Wednesday, 26 September | Thursday, 27 September | Friday, 28 September | |||
08:30-09:00 | Registration* | ||||
09:00-09:20 | Welcome | 09:00-10:30 | Topic 3: ITB and Rotation | 09:00-10:30 | Topic 5: Theory and Simulation |
09:20-10:50 | Topic 1: Transition and Pedestal | ||||
10:50-11:10 | Coffee break | 10:30-10:50 | Coffee break | 10:30-11:00 | Coffee break, Photo |
11:10-12:50 | Poster on Topic 1 | 10:50-12:30 | Poster on Topic 3 | 11:00-12:30 | Topic 6: Projections to ITER |
12:50-14:20 | Lunch | 12:30-14:00 | Lunch | 12:30-14:00 | Lunch |
14:20-15:50 | Topic 2: ELM | 14:00-15:30 | Topic 4: Non-axisymmetrc m. f. | 14:00-15:40 | Poster on Topic 5 & 6 |
15:50-16:10 | Coffee break | 15:30-15:50 | Coffee break | 15:40-16:00 | Coffee break |
16:10-17:50 | Poster on Topic 2 | 15:50-17:30 | Poster on Topic 4 | 16:00-16:40 | Summary session |
18:30-21:00 | Banquet |
* Registration desk is open on Tuesday, 25 September from 17:00 to 19:00 at Okura Frontier Hotel Tsukuba
1. | H-mode transition and the pedestal-width | A.W. Leonard |
2. | Dynamics in ETB: ELM threshold, non-linear evolution and suppression, etc | N. Oyama |
3. | Transport relations of various quantities including turbulence in plasmas with ITB:Rotation physics is especially highlighted | J.E. Rice |
4. | Transport barriers in non-axisymmetric magnetic fields | K. Ida |
5. | Theory and simulation on transport barriers | F. Jenko |
6. | Projections of transport barrier physics to ITER | G.T. Hoang |
Invited Revew Talks
Wednesday, 26 September | ||
09:20 - 10:50 | Overview of Experimental Characterization of the H-mode Edge Pedestal Structure A. Leonard |
(143KB) |
14:20 - 15:50 | Progress and Issues in Physics Understanding of Dynamics, Mitigation and Control of ELMs N. Oyama |
(165KB) |
Thursday, 27 September | ||
09:00 - 10:30 | Spontaneous Rotation and Momentum Transport in Tokamak Plasmas J. Rice |
(69KB) |
14:00 - 15:30 | Transport Barriers in Non-axisymmetric Magnetic Fields K. Ida |
(71KB) |
Friday, 28 September | ||
09:00 - 10:30 | Transport Barriers: Theory and Simulation F. Jenko |
(86KB) |
11:00 - 12:30 | Projection of Transport Barrier Physics to ITER T. Hoang |
(128KB) |
Poster Presentations
Wednesday, 26 September | ||
11:10 - 12:50 Topic 1 | ||
P1-01 | Formation of edge transport barrier and scaling of heating power threshold in CHS T. Akiyama |
(79KB) |
P1-02 | Paleoclassical Model For Electron Temperature Pedestal J. Callen |
(124KB) |
P1-03 | Temporal and Spatial Evolution of the H-mode Pedestal in DIII-D R. Groebner |
(164KB) |
P1-04 | Edge Transport Barrier Width in ASDEX Upgrade L. Horton |
(210KB) |
P1-05 | Evolution of edge profiles and fluctuations in two-phase L-H transitions in unfavorable magnetic configurations in Alcator C-Mod A. Hubbard |
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P1-06 | Predictive modelling of the H-mode power threshold in JET D. Kalupin |
(73KB) |
P1-07 | H-mode transition in the presence of counter-NBI in the TUMAN-3M S. Lebedev |
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P1-08 | Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on Divertor Balance and Heating Method in NSTX R. Maingi (H. Meyer) |
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P1-09 | The structure, evolution and role of the edge radial electric field in H-mode and L-mode on MAST H. Meyer |
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P1-10 | Power Threshold for L-H Transition of High Density Edge Transport Barrier with Reheat Mode on CHS T. Minami |
(89KB) |
P1-11 | Observation of the High Density Edge Transport Barrier in CHS using Beam Emission Spectroscopy T. Oishi |
(69KB) |
P1-12 | Toroidal field ripple effects on high triangularity ELMy H-modes in JET and implications for ITER R. Sartori |
(88KB) |
P1-13 | Physics Understanding of the Pedestal Power Dependence: Implications for a First Principles Pedestal Model P. Snyder |
(73KB) |
P1-14 | Radial Structure of Edge Transport Barrier and Electrostatic Fluctuations in the Compact Helical System M. Takeuchi |
(81KB) |
P1-15 | Radial Structure of Edge Transport Barrier Formed in Helical Divertor Configuration of the Large Helical Device K. Toi |
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16:10 - 17:50 Topic 2 | ||
P2-01 | Effect of Equilibrium Properties on the Structure of the Edge MHD Modes in Tokamaks N. Aiba |
(76KB) |
P2-02 | ELM propagation in the high-field-side Scrape-off Layer of the JT-60U tokamak N. Asakura |
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P2-03 | Radial Electric Field and Plasma Rotation in TUMAN-3M Tokamak L. Askinazi |
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P2-04 | Optimised ELM penetration and pedestal pressure for JET AT scenarios M. Beurskens |
(119KB) |
P2-05 | A comparison of the spatial and temporal structure of type-I ELMs A. Kirk |
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P2-06 | A comparison of the spatial structure of type I ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade and MAST A. Kirk |
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P2-07 | Pellet perturbations for probing threshold conditions and investigating onset dynamics of paced ELMs P. Lang (L. Horton) |
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P2-08 | Reconstruction of two-dimensional structure by using conditional techniques near the edge transport barrier in Compact Helical System Y. Nagashima |
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P2-09 | New pedestal temperature models with self-consistency calculation of safety factor and magnetic shear T. Onjun |
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P2-10 | Edge Stability of Stationary ELM-Suppressed Regimes on DIII-D T. Osborne |
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P2-11 | Effect of toroidal field ripple and toroidal rotation on H-mode performance and ELM characteristics in JET/JT-60U similarity experiments N. Oyama |
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P2-12 | Predictive modelling of ripple-induced effects in ELMy H-mode plasmas V. Parail |
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P2-13 | Characteristics of quiescent H-mode plasmas with co-, ctr- and balanced injection of neutral beam in JT-60U Y. Sakamoto |
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P2-14 | ELM-like Oscillations Observed in the Large-Helical-Device Plasmas with/without L-H Transition F. Watanabe |
(346KB) |
Wednesday, 27 September | ||
10:50 - 12:30 Topic 3 | ||
P3-01 | Velocities and Transport Barriers in NSTX OH and HHFW Heated H-modes C. Bush (T.S. Hahm) |
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P3-02 | Improved Mirror-Plasma Regime Guarded by Coaxially Nested Intense ExB Radially Sheared Flow Having a Peaked-on-Axis Sheared Vorticity T. Cho |
(161KB) |
P3-03 | The Influence of Toroidal Field Ripple on the Formation and Performance of Internal Transport Barriers at JET P. de Vries |
(81KB) |
P3-04 | New Developments in Momentum Transport Bifurcation Phenomenology P. Diamond (C. McDevitt) |
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P3-05 | The Features of the Electron Heat Transport during High Power ECRH &SMBI on HL-2A X.T. Ding |
(81KB) |
P3-06 | Extension of DIII-D Hybrid Plasmas to Reactor Relevant Conditions with Te~Ti and Low Rotation E. Doyle |
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P3-07 | Dependence of H-mode Power Threshold and Energy Confinement on Toroidal Plasma Rotation in the DIII-D Tokamak P. Gohil |
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P3-08 | Geodesic Acoustic Mode Spectroscopy S.-I. Itoh |
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P3-09 | Change of fluctuation properties during non-local temperature rise in LHD from 2d phase contrast imaging C. Michael |
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P3-10 | Observation of MHD Instabilities and Improved Particle Confinement during IBW Heating in HT-7 Tokamak Y.J. Shi |
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P3-11 | Temporal Change of Particle Transport of Super Dense Core Plasma in LHD K. Tanaka |
(68KB) |
P3-12 | Enhanced H-mode energy confinement with positive toroidal rotation in JT-60U H. Urano |
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15:50 - 17:30 Topic 4 | ||
P4-01 | Electric Pulsation in Electron-Root Internal Transport Barrier in Large Helical Device T. Ido |
(80KB) |
P4-02 | Confinement Characteristics of Reheat Mode Discharge in High-Density Regime of Compact Helical System (CHS) M. Isobe |
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P4-03 | Study of spontaneous transition by toroidal current control in a low magnetic shear helical device S. Kobayashi |
(79KB) |
P4-04 | Observation of m=2/n=1 Magnetic Island on the Foot Point of Electron Internal Transport Barrier using Soft X-ray CCD Camera in the Large Helical Device T. Kobuchi |
(83KB) |
P4-05 | Effect of Energetic Beam Ions on Radial Electric Field Transition in Helical Plasmas S. Murakami |
(137KB) |
P4-06 | Zonal Flow Driven By High-Energy Particle during Nonlinear MHD Evolution of CHS Fishbone Instability S. Ohshima |
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P4-07 | Pellet injection and internal diffusion barrier formation in LHD plasmas R. Sakamoto |
(143KB) |
P4-08 | Simultaneous Measurements of Density and Potential Profile of Internal Transport Barrier Plasmas by Heavy Ion Beam Probe in Compact Helical System A. Shimizu |
(122KB) |
P4-09 | Clear Transition to High-Te State with an Electron Internal Transport Barrier Creation in EC Heated LHD Plasmas T. Shimozuma |
(166KB) |
P4-10 | Impurity diagnostics for edge transport barrier discharges in the Compact Helical System C. Suzuki |
(83KB) |
P4-11 | Study of Transition Mechanism to Improved Confinement Mode in Helical Plasmas by Electrode Biasing H. Takahashi |
(76KB) |
P4-12 | Ion Transport in Core Electron Root Confinement Plasmas in Large Helical Device Y. Takeiri |
(70KB) |
P4-13 | Core electron temperature rise due to Ar gas-puff in EC-heated LHD plasmas N. Tamura |
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P4-14 | Development of Hydrogen Storage Electrode for Plasma Biasing in the Tohoku University Heliac H. Utoh |
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P4-15 | Observations of Impurity Hole in High Ion Temperature Discharge on LHD M. Yoshinuma |
(70KB) |
Wednesday, 28 September | ||
14:00 - 15:40 Topic 5 | ||
P5-01 | Kinetic simulation of resonant magnetic perturbation effect on pedestal transport in a tokamak geometry C.S. Chang |
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P5-02 | Simulation study of density dynamics effect on the ELM behavior with TOPICS-IB N. Hayashi |
(85KB) |
P5-03 | Paleoclassical Transport Explains Electron Transport Barriers in RTP and TEXTOR G. Hogeweij (J. Callen) |
(110KB) |
P5-04 | Turbulent transport of poloidal momentum in toroidal plasmas K. Itoh |
(107KB) |
P5-05 | Selection Rule for Turbulent Structural Formation: Study of Magnetized Cylindrical Plasmas N. Kasuya |
(160KB) |
P5-06 | Transport due to interchange mode turbulence in a mirror with divertor I. Katanuma |
(743KB) |
P5-07 | Gyrofluid simulation on the nonlinear excitation and radial structure of GAMs in ITG turbulence J.Q. Li |
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P5-08 | A model of GAM intermittency near critical gradient in toroidal plasmas K. Miki |
(87KB) |
P5-09 | Electromagnetic effects on zonal mode generation and turbulent transport in tokamak plasmas N. Miyato |
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P5-10 | Three-dimensional neutral transport simulation during transport barrier formation in the JT-60U plasmas Y. Nakashima |
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P5-11 | MHD stability due to internal transport barrier and its effect on the transport T. Ozeki |
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P5-12 | Two-Dimensional Full Particle Simulation of the Formation of Electrostatic Field in a Tokamak Plasma T. Takizuka |
(148KB) |
P5-13 | Multi-scale transport simulation with ion temperature gradient driven drift wave turbulence S. Tokunaga |
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P5-14 | Global nature of zonal flow due to the finite band width K. Uzawa |
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14:00 - 15:40 Topic 6 | ||
P6-01 | Canonical Rotation Profiles from Turbulent Equipartition Theory of Toroidal Momentum Pinch T.S. Hahm |
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P6-02 | Internal Transport Barrier Simulation in Helical and Tokamak Systems Y. Higashiyama |
(112KB) |
P6-03 | Studies of H-mode pedestal physics on Alcator C-Mod with enhancements to neutral pumping J. Hughes |
(84KB) |
P6-04 | A steady-state scenario for ITER using off-axis Electron-Cyclotron-Current Drive F. Imbeaux |
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P6-05 | Power requirements for accessing the H-mode in ITER Y. Martin |
(81KB) |
P6-06 | Collisionality and beta dependence of confinement in JET ELMy H-modes D. McDonald |
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P6-07 | Effect of pedestal width on the performance of ITER T. Onjun |
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P6-08 | H-Mode confinement properties close to the power threshold in ASDEX Upgrade F. Ryter |
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P6-09 | H-Mode Plasmas Transport Simulation in ITER with Effect of Neoclassical Tearing Mode Y. Takahashi |
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P6-10 | Effects of low central fuelling on density and ion temperature profiles in reversed shear plasmas on JT-60U H. Takenaga |
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P6-11 | A Comparison of Hybrid Confinement with ELMy H-mode Confinement K. Thomsen |
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P6-12 | The Role of MHD in the Sustainment of Electron Internal Transport Barriers and H-Mode in TCV G. Turri |
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P6-13 | Particle confinement of pellet-fuelled H-mode plasmas in MAST M. Valovic |
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P6-14 | Comparison of the β Dependence of Confinement and Heat Transport in ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D Experiments L. Vermare |
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P6-15 | Investigation on β dependence of transport in experimental conditions of ASDEX Upgrade β scans using linear gyrokinetic simulations L. Vermare |
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