Home > 量子医科学研究所 > 治療システム開発グループ





治療室では呼吸同期照射をはじめ、リアルタイム画像誘導技術を確立し治療で使用してきました。近年、治療技術の高精度化に伴い、医療スタッフに難しい判断が求められることが増えています。そこで、膨大な医療画像と治療経験をAIに学習させることで、臨床経験則に基づいた最適な治療情報の提案を行う画像誘導技術の開発に取り組んでいきます。これにより、即時適応化(Adaptive therapy)の実現に近づきます。







森 慎一郎 グループリーダー

  • ​武井 由佳 主任技術員
  • 宮武 立彦 博士研究員


  • 坂間 誠 主任研究員(QST病院 放射線品質管理室)


  1. Kumakiri T., Mori S., Mori Y., Hirai H., Hashimoto A., Tachibana Y., Suyari H., Ishikawa H.: Real-time deep neural network-based automatic bowel gas segmentation on X-ray images for particle beam treatment. Physical and engineering sciences in medicine, 46(2), 659 - 668, (2023)
  2. Mori.S., Hirai H., Sakata Y., Tachibana Y., Koto M., Ishikawa H.: Deep neural network-based synthetic image digital fluoroscopy using digitally reconstructed tomography. Physical and engineering sciences in medicine, 46(3), 1227 - 1237, (2023)
  3. Mori S., Hirai R., Sakata Y., Koto M., Ishikawa H.: Shortening image registration time using a deep neural network for patient positional verification in radiotherapy. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, (2023)
  4. Mori S., Hirai R., Sakata Y., Tachibana Y., Koto M., Ishikawa H.: Deep Neural Network-based Synthetic Image Digital Fluoroscopy Using Digitally Reconstructed Tomography. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, (2023)
  5. Daniel E., Koto M., Furuichi W., Mori S.: Simulation Study of Comparative Dosimetric Analysis of Coplanar Horizontal-Port Scanned Carbon-Ion Beam Therapy in the Head and Neck. The British Journal of Radiology, (10.1259), 1 - 7, (2023)
  6. Mori S., Tapesh B., Furuichi W., Naoki T., Nomoto A., Shinoto M., Takiyama H., Yamada S.: Comparison of dosimetries of carbon-ion pencil beam scanning, proton pencil beam scanning and volumetric modulated arc therapy for locally recurrent rectal cancer. Journal of radiation research, 64(1), 162 - 170, (2022)
  7. Heng Li, Lei Dong,  Christoph B.,  Joe C.,  Stella F.,  Kyung-Wook J.,  Liyong L., Michael M., Mori S.,  Joerg R.,  Erik T., Sastry V.: AAPM Task Group 290: Respiratory motion management for particle therapy. Medical Physics, 49(4), (2022)
  8. Marco M., Per P., Rune H., Wilko V., Dianne F. , John R., Lei Ren , Lei W., Pengpeng Z., Ross B., Mori S., Paul K.: The markerless lung target tracking AAPM Grand Challenge (MATCH) results. Medical Physics, 49(2), 1161 - 1180, (2022)
  9. Consensus Statement on Proton Therapy in Mesothelioma.: Jing Z., Shahed N. B., Yolanda I. G., Tony W., Xiaodong Z., Charles B. S., Joe Y. C., Antje C. K., Mori.S., Hiromitsu I., Arturs M., Heng L., Martin B., Wei L., Steven E. S., Ramesh R.: Consensus Statement on Proton Therapy in Mesothelioma. Practical radiation oncology, 11(2), 119 - 133, (2020)
  10. Mori.S., Antje K. C.n, Umegaki K.: Motion management in particle therapy. Medical Physics, 45(11), e994 - e1010, 2018