QSTの優位性を活かして行われた動物実験の膨大なデータと試料を、「実験動物放射線影響研究アーカイブ (Japan Storehouse of Animal Radiobiology Experiments。略称J-SHARE)」によってオープン化する運用を行うとともに、J-SHAREの利活用によって放射線リスクモデルを構築する研究、リスクを低減する要因を探す研究を行っています。
森岡孝満 グループリーダー
・二宮康晴 主任研究員
・甘崎佳子 研究員
・山田裕 専門業務員
・一般職員 1名
・業務補助員 3名
List of Papers
- Semba R, Morioka T, Yanagihara H, Suzuki K, Tachibana H, Hamoya T, Horimoto Y, Imaoka T, Saito M, Kakinuma S, Arai M.: Azithromycin induces read-through of the nonsense Apc allele and prevents intestinal tumorigenesis in C3B6F1 ApcMin/+ mice. Biomed Pharmacother 164, 114968 (2023)
- Yanagihara H, Morioka T, Yamazaki S, Yamada Y, Tachibana H, Daino K, Tsuruoka C, Amasaki Y, Kaminishi M, Imaoka T, Kakinuma S.: Interstitial deletion of the Apc locus in β-catenin-overexpressing cells is a signature of radiation-induced intestinal tumors in C3B6F1 ApcMin/+ mice. J Radiat Res 64, 622 (2023)
- Shang Y, Morioka T, Daino K, Nakayama T, Nishimura M, Kakinuma S.: Ionizing radiation promotes, whereas calorie restriction suppresses, NASH and hepatocellular carcinoma in mice. Int J Cancer 153, 1529 (2023)
- Nakajima T, Ninomiya Y, Unno K, Morioka T, Nishimura M, Kakinuma S.: Impacts of psychological stress on high dose-rate radiation acute effects in a mouse experimental model. J Radiat Res 63, 602 (2022)
- Tachibana H, Daino K, Ishikawa A, Morioka T, Shang Y, Ogawa M, Matsuura A, Shimada Y, Kakinuma S.: Genomic profile of radiation-induced early-onset mouse B-cell lymphoma recapitulates features of Philadelphia chromosome-like acute lymphoblastic leukemia in humans. Carcinogenesis 43, 693 (2022)
- Yokomizo S, Nishimura M, Morioka T, Enzaka U, Tsuruoka C, Shang YI, Nishimura Y, Inoue K, Fukushi M, Imaoka T, Kakinuma S, Shimada Y.: Environmental Enrichment Increases Radiation-induced Apoptosis Not Spontaneous Apoptosis in Mouse Intestinal Crypt Cells. In Vivo 36, 618 (2022)
- Morioka T, Yamazaki S, Yanagihara H, Sunaoshi M, Kaminishi M, Kakinuma S.: Calorie Restriction Suppresses the Progression of Radiation-Induced Intestinal Tumours in C3B6F1 Apc Min/+ Mice. Anticancer Res 41, 1365 (2021)
- Morioka T, Blyth BJ, Imaoka T, Nishimura M, Takeshita H, Shimomura T, Ohtake J, Ishida A, Schofield P, Grosche B, Kulka U, Shimada Y, Yamada Y, Kakinuma S.: Establishing the Japan-Store house of animal radiobiology experiments (J-SHARE), a large-scale necropsy and histopathology archive providing international access to important radiobiology data. Int J Radiat Biol 95, 1372 (2019)
- Yamada Y, Iwata KI, Blyth BJ, Doi K, Morioka T, Daino K, Nishimura M, Kakinuma S, Shimada Y.: Effect of Age at Exposure on the Incidence of Lung and Mammary Cancer after Thoracic X-Ray Irradiation in Wistar Rats. Radiat Res 187, 210 (2017)
- Morioka T, Miyoshi-Imamura T, Blyth BJ, Kaminishi M, Kokubo T, Nishimura M, Kito S, Tokairin Y, Tani S, Murakami-Murofushi K, Yoshimi N, Shimada Y, Kakinuma S.: Ionizing radiation, inflammation, and their interactions in colon carcinogenesis in Mlh1-deficient mice. Cancer Sci 106, 217 (2015)