Date : Jan. 13th - Jan. 14th, 2015
Place :
Conference Room D, 3rd Floor of East Building (Oral session)
Conference Room No.2, 3rd Floor of West Building (Poster session)
NEXT project
- Multi timescale simulation of energetic particle driven mode in JT-60U (pdf,3.5MB)
A. Bierwage (JAEA) - Development of MPMD System in Integrated Divertor Code [in Japanese] (pdf,3.0MB)
K. Shimizu (JAEA) - Simulation study of disruption and runaway electrons (pdf,1.8MB)
A. Matsuyama (JAEA)
Turbulence simulation
- Invite
Progress of turbulent transport studies on toroidal plasmas via gyrokinetic simulation with GKV (pdf,7.6MB)
T. Watanabe (Nagoya University) - Invite
Discussion on NEXT project
M. Yagi (JAEA)
- Invite
Development of a robust numerical scheme for compressional MHD (pdf,1.3MB)
T. Miyoshi (Hiroshima University) - Three-dimensional numerical analysis of interchange mode in the Large Helical Device with ion diamagnetic effects and dissipation (pdf,5.5MB)
T. Nicolas (NIFS) - Simulation Study of A New Kind of Energetic Particle Driven Geodesic Acoustic Mode in LHD (pdf,1.9MB)
H. Wang (NIFS)
Particle simulation
- Invite
Acceleration of PIC code with Intel MIC/GPU (pdf,1.3MB)
H. Naitou (Yamaguchi University) - Kinetic Modeling of Classical and Neo-Classical Transport for High-Z impurities in Fusion SOL/Divertor Plasmas using Binary Collision Method (pdf,1.3MB)
Y. Homma (Keio University)
Turbulence / Transport I
- Invite
Origin of nonlocality of plasma turbulence and dynamical profile constraint
Y. Kishimoto (Kyoto University) - Invite
Relaxation to neoclassical flow equilibrium in gyrokinetic theory and gyrofluid computation (pdf,918KB)
B. D. Scott (IPP) - Collisionality dependence of neoclassical toroidal viscosity in superbanana-plateau regime by full-f gyrokinetic simulations (pdf,1.1MB)
S. Matsuoka (RIST)
Turbulence / Transport II
- On the treatment of polarization drift in electromagnetic nonlinear gyrokinetic equations (pdf,1.5MB)
T. S. Hahm (Seoul National University) - Electromagnetic gyrokinetic simulation of turbulent transport in high ion temperature discharge of Large Helical Device
A. Ishizawa (NIFS) - Extension of Integrated Transport Analysis Suite, TASK3D-a (pdf,2.3MB)
M. Yokoyama (NIFS)
Total 12
Poster Session
- Numerical MHD Stability Analysis of LHD Plasma with RMP (pdf,2.2MB)
K. Ichiguchi (NIFS) - Neoclassical toroidal viscosity from toroidal ripples in JT-60U and ITER (pdf,1.4MB)
S. Satake (NIFS) - Effects of collisions on conservation laws in gyrokinetic field theory
H. Sugama (NIFS) - Effect of parallel heat flux in gyroviscosity on tearing instability in two-fluid MHD (pdf,365KB)
A. Ito (NIFS) - Effects of current profile on current decay time in tokamak disruption [in Japanese] (pdf,1.1MB)
K. Watanabe (NIFS) - Effect of neoclassical poloidal viscosity and resonant magnetic perturbation on the response of the m/n=1/1 magnetic island in LHD (pdf,594MB)
B. Huang (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) - History of PARASOL (pdf,2.0MB)
T. Takizuka (Osaka University) - Modeling of EBW CD in spherical tokamaks (pdf,646MB)
A. Fukuyama (Kyoto University) - Integrated heat and particle transport simulation of NBI Plasmas in LHD
A. Sakai (Kyoto University) - Simulation Study of Energetic Triton Confinement in the D-D Experiment on LHD (pdf,7.3MB)
M. Homma (Kyoto University) - Particle transport simulation in tokamak plasma by TASK/TX
R. Kanamori (Kyoto University) - Integrated heat transport simulation of multi-ion species high-Ti plasma of LHD
H. Yamaguchi (Kyoto University) - Gyrokinetic simulation on the effect of magnetic island on the ITG instability in tokamak plasmas
L. Jiguan (Kyoto University) - Non-local structure and transport in toroidal flux-driven ITG turbulence (pdf,2.3MB)
K. Imadera (Kyoto University) - Development of a global gyrokinetic Vlasov code with new real space field solver
K. Obrejan (Kyoto University) - Nonlinear mutual destabilization of tearing mode and ion temperature gradient mode
Z. Hu (Dalian University of Technology/Kyoto University) - Two-fluid equilibrium transition of ST due to multi-pulsing CHI (pdf,3.7MB)
T. Kanki (Japan Coast Guard Academy) - Accuracy analysis of numerical integration of charged particle motion based on recurrence
M. Furukawa (Tottori University) - A Spike Algorithm for Solving Block Tridiagonal Matrix Equations on Multicore Machines (pdf,553KB)
S. Tokuda (RIST) - Progress on the remote experiment center (pdf,1.6MB)
T. Ozeki (JAEA) - Fokker-Planck Simulation of Runaway Electron Generation in Tokamak Disruptions (pdf,1.7MB)
H. Nuga (JAEA) - Validation studies on local gyrokinetic simulations of tokamak ITG-TEM driven turbulent transport (pdf,4.8MB)
M. Nakata (JAEA) - MHD Instability Excited by Interplay between Resistive Wall Mode and Stable MHD Modes in Rotating Tokamak Plasmas (pdf,1.0MB)
N. Aiba (JAEA) - Development of L-H transition simulation framework with BOUT++ code (pdf,1.5MB)
H. Seto (JAEA) - Particle flux representations with FLR effects in the gyrokinetic model (pdf,1.3MB)
N. Miyato (JAEA)
Total 25
A list of participants
Affiliation | Name |
Kyoto University | Yasuaki Kishimoto |
Kyoto University | Atsushi Fukuyama |
Kyoto University | Akira Sakai |
Kyoto University | Masayuki Homma |
Kyoto University | Ryosuke Kanamori |
Kyoto University | Hiroyuki Yamaguchi |
Kyoto University | Jiquan Li |
Kyoto University | Kenji Imadera |
Kyoto University | Kevin Obrejan |
Dalian University of Technology/Kyoto University | Zhaoqing Hu |
Nagoya University | Tomohiko Watanabe |
Hiroshima University | Takahiro Miyoshi |
Yamaguchi University | Hiroshi Naitou |
Keio University | Yuki Homma |
Tottori University | Masaru Furukawa |
Seoul National University | T. S. Hahm |
Osaka University | Tomonori Takizuka |
Japan Coast Guard Academy | Takashi Kanki |
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics | B. D. Scott |
NIFS | T. Nicolas |
NIFS | Hao Wang |
NIFS | Akihiro Ishizawa |
NIFS | Masayuki Yokoyama |
NIFS | Katsuji Ichiguchi |
NIFS | Shinsuke Satake |
NIFS | Hideo Sugama |
NIFS | Atsushi Ito |
NIFS | Kiyomasa Watanabe |
RIST | Seikichi Matsuoka |
RIST | Shinji Tokuda |
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies | B. Huang |
JAEA | Andreas Bierwage |
JAEA | Katsuhiro Shimizu |
JAEA | Akinobu Matsuyama |
JAEA | Masatoshi Yagi |
JAEA | Takahisa Ozeki |
JAEA | Hideo Nuga |
JAEA | Motoki Nakata |
JAEA | Nobuyuki Aiba |
JAEA | Haruki Seto |
JAEA | Naoaki Miyato |