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15th Plasma Surface Interactions


Asymmetry of Dense Divertor Plasmas Influenced by Thermoelectric Potential and Charge-exchange Momentum Loss

N. Hayashi, T. Takizuka, M. Hosokawaa and K. Shimizu
Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka, Ibaraki 311-0193, Japan

Asymmetric equilibria of divertor plasmas influenced by the thermoelectric potential and the momentum loss due to the charge-exchange collisions have been studied by using a five-point model. The momentum loss becomes large when the divertor plasma temperature decreases below about 10 eV. The increase of the pre-sheath potential due to the momentum loss compensates the reduction of the sheath potential at the low-temperature side of an asymmetric equilibrium. Through the change of the pre-sheath potential, the momentum loss has a stabilizing effect on the thermoelectric instability and mitigates the asymmetry at the high-density divertor regime. The momentum loss at the low-temperature and high-density side divertor is effective to lower the temperature at the high-temperature side divertor.