Date : Aug. 29th - Aug. 30th, 2013
Place :
Kyoto University, Katsura Campus, ROHM Plaza
Seminar room (Oral session), the first floor
Lounge for Research Exchange (Poster session), the third floor
- Invited talk [Overview] Overview of theory and simulation research on energetic particle driven modes (pdf,1.2MB)
C. Z. Cheng (National Cheng Kung University) - Invited talk [Overview] Overview of Experimental Research on Energetic-Particle-Driven Modes in 2D and 3D Plasmas (pdf,7.3MB)
K. Toi (NIFS) - Invited talk Linear analysis on energetic particle driven low-frequency eigenmodes (pdf,2.7MB)
A. Fukuyama (Kyoto University) - Invited talk Thermodynamic properties plasmas in magnetic reconnection (pdf,1.6MB)
R. Numata (University of Hyogo) - Invited talk Variational approach to spectral stability of flowing plasmas (pdf,1.4MB)
M. Hirota (Tohoku University) - Simulation study of Alfven eigenmodes in ITER and DIII-D (pdf,3.3MB)
Y. Todo (NIFS) - Simulation study on the linear properties and nonlinear frequency chirping of EGAM in LHD (pdf,6.5MB)
H. Wang (NIFS) - Simulation of Energetic-Ion-Driven Modes in JT-60U plasmas subject to Abrupt Large Events
A. Bierwage (JAEA) - Vlasov simulation of Langmuir solitons and high energy electron tail formation (pdf,948KB)
Y. Nishimura (National Cheng Kung University) - Physics of stimulated L-H transition (pdf,4.4MB)
K. Miki (JAEA) - Two-dimensional transport modeling in tokamak plasmas (pdf,421KB)
H. Seto (Kyoto University) - Local gyrokinetic turbulence simulations with realistic tokamak geometries towards ITER and JT-60SA (pdf,9.7MB)
M. Nakata (JAEA)
Total 12
Poster Session
- Heat transport simulation of multi-ion-species LHD plasma by TASK3D
A. Sakai (Kyoto University) - Development of momentum conserving and nonlinear collision operator for GNET code
S. Murakami (Kyoto University) - Integrated Transport Simulation of Time-development LHD Plasma Using GNET-TD and TASK3D (pdf,9.8MB)
H. Yamaguchi (Kyoto University) - Bohm criterion for two-ion-species plasmas in a wide range of mass ratio and collisionality
S. Azuma (Kyoto University) - Particle Transport Modeling of Tokamak Plasma by 1D Dynamic Transport Code TASK/TX
R. Kanamori (Kyoto University) - Beta limit of MHD equilibrium with pressure anisotropy in magnetospheric configuration (pdf,1.3MB)
M. Furukawa (Tottori University) - Simulation studies of core heat transport in JT-60U plasmas with different toroidal rotation profiles (pdf,1.1MB)
E. Narita (Osaka University) - Status of IFERC-CSC
Y. Ishii (JAEA) - Impact of Centrifugal Modification of Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium on Resistive Wall Mode Stability (pdf,821KB)
J. Shiraishi (JAEA) - Simulation Study on Transient Plasma Response for Peripheral Density Source (pdf,1.9MB)
M. Yagi (JAEA) - Development of Monte-Carlo Scheme for Runaway Electron Generation and Confinement Code (pdf,1.1MB)
A. Matsuyama (JAEA) - Destabilization of resistive wall mode by toroidal rotation in reversed shear tokamaks (pdf,1.1MB)
N. Aiba (JAEA) - Gyrokinetic simulation of kinetic ballooning mode driven turbulence
S. Maeyama (JAEA) - Developement of a plasma turbulence code by C++ (pdf,266KB)
N. Miyato (JAEA) - Properties of two-fluid ST equilibria observed in HIST double-pulsing CHI experiments (pdf,5.2MB)
T. Kanki (Japan Coast Guard Academy) - Alpha particle transport in the presence of drift-wave turbulence (pdf,10.8MB)
B. Huang (National Cheng Kung University) - Three-dimensional MHD Analysis of Pressure Driven Modes in RMP-Imposed LHD Plasmas with RMPs (pdf,517KB)
K. Ichiguchi (NIFS) - Neoclassical toroidal viscosity from toroidal ripples in JT60-SA (pdf,1.2KB)
S. Satake (NIFS) - Multiscale modeling of transport processes in helical systems with E x B flows
H. Sugama (NIFS) - Nonlinear MHD simulation of high beta LHD plasmas
M. Sato (NIFS) - Equilibrium and stability of toroidal plasmas with flow in high-beta reduced MHD (pdf,3.7MB)
A. Ito (NIFS) - Progress of TASK3D - a development and applications
M. Yokoyama (NIFS) - Symplectic Integration by Discrete Hamilton Principle
S. Tokuda (RIST) - Experimental analysis and predictive simulation of heat transport using TASK3D code (pdf,3.6MB)
A. Wakasa (RIST) - Hall and gyro-viscous effects to the growth of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability (pdf,955KB)
R. Goto (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) - Two-fluid/FLR Effects on Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (pdf,958KB)
T. Hatori (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
Total 26
A list of participants
Affiliation | Name |
Kyoto University | Atsushi Fukuyama |
Kyoto University | Sadayoshi Murakami |
Kyoto University | Akira Sakai |
Kyoto University | Hiroyuki Yamaguchi |
Kyoto University | Masayuki Homma |
Kyoto University | Haruki Seto |
Kyoto University | Shuhei Azuma |
Kyoto University | Ryosuke Kanamori |
Tottori University | Masaru Furukawa |
Osaka University | Emi Narita |
University of Hyogo | Ryusuke Numata |
Tohoku University | Makoto Hirota |
Japan Coast Guard Academy | Takashi Kanki |
National Cheng Kung University | Yasutaro Nishimura |
National Cheng Kung University | B. Huang |
National Cheng Kung University/University of Tokyo | Chio Z. Cheng |
NIFS | Kazuo Toi |
NIFS | Hideo Sugama |
NIFS | Katuji Ichiguchi |
NIFS | Yasushi Todo |
NIFS | Masayuki Yokoyama |
NIFS | Shinsuke Satake |
NIFS | Atsushi Ito |
NIFS | Masahiko Sato |
NIFS | Hao Wang |
RIST | Shinji Tokuda |
RIST | Arimitsu Wakasa |
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies | Ryosuke Goto |
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies | Tomoharu Hatori |
JAEA | Kazuhiro Miki |
JAEA | Yasutomo Ishii |
JAEA | Motoki Nakata |
JAEA | Junya Shiraishi |
JAEA | Masatoshi Yagi |
JAEA | Takahisa Ozeki |
JAEA | Andreas Bierwage |
JAEA | Akinobu Matsuyama |
JAEA | Nobuyuki Aiba |
JAEA | Shinya Maeyama |
JAEA | Naoaki Miyato |